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Etransfer Payment Option

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 02/28/20 09:03 AM Views: 808 Replies: 12
Friday, February 28, 2020 at 9:03 AM

We are in Canada setting up a Reunion Event. We would like to see 2 payment options: Check and ETransfer. They would both be the same. For checks there is currently a "check" box select option for payment and an information box on the last screen giving mailing information.
All we need is a similar set up for etransfer - a "check" box to select this as a payment option, and an information box on the last screen to provide details to the payee. Is this something we can do?
C. Richmond

Friday, February 28, 2020 at 7:42 PM - Response #1

Hi Cheryl,

We don't offer an additional check box, however, you could ask them in a custom question if they will be paying by etransfer and tell them to select check as the payment option if they are paying by check or etransfer and the custom question will give you the answer of which one to expect.

We've had other classes use external payment types this way and it works well. Just explain in the Event Information area and then again in the Custom Question explaining them what steps they should take to complete the etransfer including choosing check as the payment option at the end.

Class Creator Support

Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 10:39 AM - Response #2

Thanks. I will give that a try.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Response #3

Thanks for this. I was lost how to select Etransfer for Canadians. We were able to manually enter the option when we did our 30th a decade ago.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 5:36 PM - Response #4

Hi CathyP,

You haven't selected Checks as a payment option under your Event Planner > Edit > Payment Preferences section so the system is currently confused (for lack of a better term Smile

You need to either accept online or offline payment methods and as of right now neither one is selected so the system is unsure how to add the next steps. We don't restrict being able to add in event details without payment options because the person setting up the event may be different from a treasurer making decisions about payments, however, the system can't continue with the process if neither payment option is selected. Add in something there even if you don't have final details for the checks so you can continue test registrations.

Class Creator Support

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 5:44 PM - Response #5

Jessica wrote:

Hi Cheryl,

We don't offer an additional check box, however, you could ask them in a custom question if they will be paying by etransfer and tell them to select check as the payment option if they are paying by check or etransfer and the custom question will give you the answer of which one to expect.

We've had other classes use external payment types this way and it works well. Just explain in the Event Information area and then again in the Custom Question explaining them what steps they should take to complete the etransfer including choosing check as the payment option at the end.

Class Creator Support

I have tried this several ways. The system makes it very confusing when using this custom question thing b/c we get an error to contact an admin if we have checks disabled. Then donations are also confusing b/c cash or check are options. No matter how many times or places we put they can pay by etransfer, this error message when selecting the etransfer on the previous page will confuse people. Is there a workaround for this? Having only check by mail is confusing. It seems the system is disfavourable to those not using the cc or ach system and those of us in Canada can't use it. So, what can we do here?

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 5:47 PM - Response #6

Jessica jessica wrote:

Hi CathyP,

You haven't selected Checks as a payment option under your Event Planner > Edit > Payment Preferences section so the system is currently confused (for lack of a better term Smile

You need to either accept online or offline payment methods and as of right now neither one is selected so the system is unsure how to add the next steps. We don't restrict being able to add in event details without payment options because the person setting up the event may be different from a treasurer making decisions about payments, however, the system can't continue with the process if neither payment option is selected. Add in something there even if you don't have final details for the checks so you can continue test registrations.

Class Creator Support

I did that, but then when added the custom questions for etransfer, zelle or check, it is confusing on the payment page b/c it says pay by check.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6:02 PM - Response #7

Jessica jessica wrote:

Hi CathyP,

You haven't selected Checks as a payment option under your Event Planner > Edit > Payment Preferences section so the system is currently confused (for lack of a better term Smile

You need to either accept online or offline payment methods and as of right now neither one is selected so the system is unsure how to add the next steps. We don't restrict being able to add in event details without payment options because the person setting up the event may be different from a treasurer making decisions about payments, however, the system can't continue with the process if neither payment option is selected. Add in something there even if you don't have final details for the checks so you can continue test registrations.

Class Creator Support

Ok, I selected to accept checks, but I think where the confusion is it says at checkout "check by mail" where the check would be etransfer if that is what they selected on the previous page. I wish it just said "check" rather than 'check by mail' or even if cash was an option b/c ppl would understand cash is etransfer. Also with Zelle or Venmo payments, the checkout process here is a bit limited making what should be simple confusing. Basically, if the credit card system is not being used, the options to communicate how to pay are very limited and confusing. Anyway can they add more clear options on the checkout screen rather than just 'check by mail'?

Edited 05/16/23 6:30 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6:32 PM - Response #8

Cheryl Richmond wrote:

We are in Canada setting up a Reunion Event. We would like to see 2 payment options: Check and ETransfer. They would both be the same. For checks there is currently a "check" box select option for payment and an information box on the last screen giving mailing information.
All we need is a similar set up for etransfer - a "check" box to select this as a payment option, and an information box on the last screen to provide details to the payee. Is this something we can do?
C. Richmond

Hey Cheryl,

I see you are a Calgary HS.. Mine is Central Memorial. Planned our 25th, 30th and now 40th here.

HOw did you do the etransfer part of the payment?

Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 5:07 PM - Response #9

Could you post a screenshot or sample of what this would look like? I've gone round and round with this and it is still very confusing. I haven't gone live with our site yet because of the confusion it caused with admins testing it and they thought they understood the problem!
I have a custom question for each night: Check or Venmo or Not Attending (if I didn't add that they couldn't proceed to the next night's registration). But it still says Paying by Check even though they marked Venmo. I tried to explain that no matter what box is checked, you can only pay one of two ways. Pay either of those ways and don't worry what the receipt says, but that seems even more confusing! Maybe I don't send a receipt? Don't really want to add another step of doing that manually when I already have to enter every check or Venmo payment manually. What options are there, if any?

Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 5:48 PM - Response #10

Hi Kristy,

We don't have a pay by venmo option. You just need to tell them in your description to choose the Check option.

Under Payment Preferences you can add the check payable name/venmo address so it appears on their statement.

Example: Kristy K or Venmo to

They won't see custom questions unless they have selected that that they are attending on page one so the additional custom questions might be what is confusing. Just have them select the number attending on page 1 and then when they get to the final check out page and check out they will see the payable name/venmo address after they check out and on their receipt.

Class Creator Support

Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 10:08 PM - Response #11

Hi Kristy
My reunion is also in Canada.
Email me and I will show you what I did to get around this. I wish they had a more Canadian friendly option, but they want to make money from the cc charges. I don't fault them for that. Just wish they made easier for Canadians bc right now it seems they dont want Canadian Reunions when they were very open as a founding member in the beginning. This is my third with CC and I have found a way to make it work. Respond here with your email and I will respond.

Friday, July 7, 2023 at 5:44 PM - Response #12

I finally was able to take out the custom questions, but still can't change any of the Event Information that explains all the different activities.

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