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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/01/09 10:14 PM Views: 1608 Replies: 4
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 10:14 PM

I recently started sending obits from the newspaper as I receive them. I get some postive responses but I have gotten a lot of negatives. The way I see it is that this is service that I can really do for people. This is not people that just heard about that died some time ago. I am talking about obits from the newspaper. What I do is to copy obit and put in under name. Then I copy that along with the link to this person's name and send. If I get more than a few I guess I will only send the links. I thought I was doing a good thing. What does everyone thinkIdea

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 12:20 AM - Response #1

One of my favorite Mark Twain quotes: "The quickest way to have any endeavor fail is to attempt to make it fair and equitable for all."

It's sad to hear of a friend's passing, but it's worse to find out after you were able to honor their memory in some way.

I say keep it up. We even go a little further and try to keep enough funds in the committee to send flowers are make a donation to charity.

Let those who dislike the service opt out.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 2:29 AM - Response #2

I do the same thing. I let the class know as soon as I learn of a death in our class, also a paerent or sibling. We have lost 48 since 1964 and after 45 years our classmates are eager to learn of the news from home. The then have the opportunity to send condolences ( many do that through me ) or mail a card. I try to get good news in too. Don't let a few sour apples take away your joy in sharing.
I live in the South and I guess our "natives" are just plain nosy about goings on.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 4:59 AM - Response #3

We do the same thing and recently I've moved all that to the forum page not the message page.

We put the obit of the classmate on our memory page. The parents, spouses, siblings and children of the deceased are in the forum and cut down the full obituary.

How do you all handle the flower fund?

We've been trying to avoid asking for money. I'm afraid to miss someone and then start jealousies. We try to make sure we send someone to represent the class and ask for people to sent cards if they like.

We did have some people ask about a flower fund. Just wondered how you handle it.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 10:08 AM - Response #4

The only problem with us is that we have 26,000 names. I guess they do not like the volume of emails that they receive. I would estimate that I will be sending 1 or 2 a week or less. For those of you that do not know Brad is working on a two email system that will really solve this for us. This is a ways away though. I think that sending an obit is a service that is we can provide to our members that they would not otherwise get. I think it is respect!

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