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Downloading All Fields into Excel Database
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Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 10:38 PM
I would like to store more than just the items that seem to download when saving my classmates file. For instance, when you go to "Manage Classmates" and click on the save as Excel file, you don't get all the information that a member enters; such as we ask for cell phone also besides their main number. I would like to include that as a column of data being downloaded from ClassCreator. Is there somewhere within my preferences that allows me to choose beyond the basics that automatically download, for adding additional entries to be downloaded into Excel? Also anniversary date is another one that I would like to be downloaded right along with their birthday data. I think it would be more beneficial to have or choose different amounts of what is being downloaded, for purposes of limiting it only to the very mimimals when making mailing labels, to be able to just pick the 5 basic needed entries and nothing other, and being able to save it as MailLabels.xls for instance. Then the next backup could be for ALL entries in all areas for a more complete spreadsheet of entered information. I just can't seem to find where this setting or allowance to choose this style of backing up data would be. Thanks...and by the way...our class absolutely LOVES this web site, and the ease of use for them to get started!! Keep up the GREAT work!! Angela
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Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 10:49 PM - Response #1
This request is already on the task list. Customized export will allow you to choose which columns/fields you want to include in the export file. It will be useful for making a reunion book or mail/merge file for labels. It is supposed to be done sometime this year, possibly before July (just a guess). Because of the amount of items on the task list, it is impossible to give an exact date. Here is one place where this is already being discussed in the forums (there are other places, too)
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Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 11:02 PM - Response #2
Thanks I did look but couldn't find it. I will follow that one then!! Appreciate your quick response!!
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Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 11:07 PM - Response #3
This forum (a different one) says it might be as soon as MAY (but don't quote me)
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