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Memory roses

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/07/10 11:04 PM Views: 1761 Replies: 3
Friday, May 7, 2010 at 11:04 PM

Is it possible to have an additional rose or roses appear next to the person's name if more than one response is posted? We are entering obituaries and date information on as many classmates as we can, but would like another rose to indicate that there are more posts from other classmates. Would it be very complicated to achieve?

Glenn Ellen
Napa High School - California
Class of 1960

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 11:58 AM - Response #1

I think it starts becoming a little complicated if we add a second rose, more roses, etc. The rose simply means "under this person's name there's something to read." That could be just an Admin entry or it could also include Classmate comments.

We actually have something better coming up, which we will be calling "Notify me!" Can't go into too much detail just yet, but included in this feature will be a much better way for Classmates to see when new content has been added to this area.

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 2:16 PM - Response #2

You always come through!! Thank you for this information. I know the new feature will be as great as all of the others.

Thanks again,

Glenn Ellen

Monday, May 10, 2010 at 12:40 PM - Response #3

Now you have my attention! Mmmmm I wonder what it could be? I will stay tuned!

Brad Switzer wrote:

I think it starts becoming a little complicated if we add a second rose, more roses, etc. The rose simply means "under this person's name there's something to read." That could be just an Admin entry or it could also include Classmate comments.

We actually have something better coming up, which we will be calling "Notify me!" Can't go into too much detail just yet, but included in this feature will be a much better way for Classmates to see when new content has been added to this area.

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