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cleaning file vault

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/03/14 09:42 AM Views: 2001 Replies: 38
Friday, January 3, 2014 at 9:42 AM

Good morning Brad,
Is there a way to delete multiple items in the file vault at one time?
I would like to do a major cleaning but it is very tedious doing them one at a time as it always goes back to the top of the list after every delete.

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 2:44 PM - Response #1

Not yet. We need more people to complainTwisted Evil

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 2:50 PM - Response #2

Complaint #2
{I agree with Dave}

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 3:01 PM - Response #3

For that matter, what's the status on the number of requests that we be able to view and modify the file vault like any other folder/directory?

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 3:16 PM - Response #4

Or "make it work like any FTP program".Shocked (also allows multiple file uploads at once)

The most annoying is that a duplicate file does not replace a file but instead insists on appending a suffix.

It's a PIA to always have to delete a file first. If there was a rename I'd accept that too.Wink

End of grumble

Edited 01/03/14 3:17 PM
Friday, January 3, 2014 at 4:52 PM - Response #5

I will forward this for consideration.

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 4:57 PM - Response #6

And, how about being able to view as thumbnails?

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM - Response #7

And I think I would be #5. Please & thank you in advance!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 8:18 PM - Response #8

Count me in as another squeeky wheel. I would love to be able o view and delete muliple images. Some images are uploaded for one time use. The current housekeeping is very tedious.

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 8:56 PM - Response #9

Several of us have been squeaking about this for some time. Hope springs eternal...

Friday, January 3, 2014 at 10:35 PM - Response #10

Complaint # n - to be able to do multiple deletes

Saturday, January 4, 2014 at 11:45 AM - Response #11

Count me in also. It is a waste of space to not be able to over write an existing file when 99% of the time it is a correction of the original image.

Sunday, January 5, 2014 at 10:52 PM - Response #12

Complaints heard. We will take a deeper look at this. Thanks all.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 12:32 PM - Response #13


Any progress on this issue?


Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 4:14 PM - Response #14

Hi Dick,

We have several options we are discussing internally for this. I don't have a timeframe yet but we are working on possible alternatives to replace the existing file vault structure and all of the options include ways to delete multiple files at once.

Class Creator Support

Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 2:28 PM - Response #15

Thanks for replying Jessica. I hope you will keep us updated on this issue when you have a timeline established.

Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 10:48 PM - Response #16

How about sorting? Would be wonderful to arrange file folder style. Also, the presentation is awkward to read, and makes housekeeping difficult. This is the only complaint I have about CC; everything else is just grand. The file vault seems archaic compared to the rest.
Okay, done with my little rant.
Thanks so much for all you do. I know you will get this fixed as well.

Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 12:06 AM - Response #17

Venita Cronk wrote:

How about sorting?

There actually are some handy sorting options when you display the file vault. There's a little box above the three columns - Name, Upload Date, and Size, and if you click on that box the contents are sorted (and displayed) by the values in that column. Clicking again reverses the sort order. So you can, for example, display the files with the latest uploads at the top.

That said, many of us are still hoping for a way to access the file vault as we access any folder on our home computer - with all the functionality that implies. Maybe 'one of these days'.....

Friday, October 17, 2014 at 7:41 AM - Response #18

Count me in! I have exceeded my space & decided to do some major housekeeping in my file vault. It is very tedious & time consuming to delete them one by one.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 11:29 AM - Response #19

Me Too.
I want to move several files (.pdf) to another folder in the vault to better organize, but it is quite difficult and time consuming.

Also, Could we have a more direct path to access the Vault. Now we have to be within a page and click on the Hyperlink ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 12:08 PM - Response #20

You can bookmark the File and Image vault in your browser and thus get instant access from these bookmarks.

Or you can make links on a 'spare' page to also directly go the file vault.

Either one bypasses the Editor, Link .. Laughing

(Note: If CC updates the editor, you may need to update the bookmarks or links. Doesn't happen very often.)

Jim Champaigne wrote:

Me Too.
Also, Could we have a more direct path to access the Vault. Now we have to be within a page and click on the Hyperlink ...

Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 4:41 PM - Response #21

Since this is over a year old, any progress on this, particularly on entry numbers 5 & 6?

Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 4:58 PM - Response #22

We need more cow bells Twisted Evil

Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 10:04 PM - Response #23

I recently uploaded about 100 .PDF files into our Vault. One at a time.

They are for each classmate's short life story. (25th reunion, 30th, and 35th)

Now, I need some way to present them to all classmates.
I would like to use a matrix page: 181 rows for the classmates and three columns for the three years we updated the memory books.

I cannot spend the time to link 300 to 400 vault files to a page. Or to link them to each classmate's profile.

Anybody have a solution for this?

Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 10:27 PM - Response #24

Not 100% sure what you mean. I'd have to see a mockup of how you meant to link this if you did it manually. So I have to guess a bit.

The general way to do this would be coding a javascript that literally associates a matrix entry with a pdf name. Other than that, one would have to manually create the links.

Do you plan to upload more files and hence that would result in 300-400 files vs the 100 you have now?

Is this one PDF for each classmate?

Jim Champaigne wrote:

I cannot spend the time to link 300 to 400 vault files to a page. Or to link them to each classmate's profile.

Anybody have a solution for this?

Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 9:22 PM - Response #25

For three of our reunions (25, 30th and 35th), we had our classmates write their current life history. We probably had a hundred or more that contributed stories.

I uploaded the first batch into our Vault. A very time consuming by one.

Now I am trying to provide all classmates to see each others stories. This could be a matrix on one page [Classmate names in first column, and the three series in the next three columns]
This would be easy to navigate and select any of the existing stories.
It would be nice to also have access within the classmate profile.

Any ideas how we can accomplish this?

Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 9:25 PM - Response #26
memory matrix.JPG

Memory Matrix sample

Monday, March 16, 2015 at 12:19 AM - Response #27

Here is a quick way to delete multiple files in the file vault -- sorry it is a year late

Edit Site Pages
Edit Home Page
(Assuming the files are PDF, MP3, etc. click the LINK icon. Assuming the files are JPG files, click the IMAGE icon)
click the File Vault button.
Go to the directory in the file vault you are trying to delete the files from
CTRL-A (select all of the files)
CTRL-C (copy all of the file names to the copy buffer)
Exit out of the file vault
Edit Site Pages
Create a new page, call it "Clean File Vault"
CTRL-V to Paste the contents of the file vault, it should appear in a TABLE
use the right-mouse button to remove the rows of the files you don't want to delete (right-mouse, ROW, Delete Rows while in the row you want to remove)
Save the page contents
PREVIEW the new page you just created
You have a list of the files you want to delete, click the DELETE button for each of the file names listed. The File Vault will open in a new window and delete the file you just clicked on. Leave the window that is opened alone and go back to the edit preview window again and click the next DELETE button. This time the new window will not open again but the file will still be deleted.
The files will be deleted from your File Vault.
Delete the page you created in the Edit Site Pages.

WARNING : Do not click the DELETE button unless you really mean to delete the file. You are not asked any "Are you sure?" question.

Monday, March 16, 2015 at 12:33 AM - Response #28


You can use a similar method as above to get a list of the files for each classmate and create a link for them. I don't know if you are comfortable with HTML programming, but after you do the above steps, instead of using the DELETE button, you could remove the DELETE column, the DATE column, and the SIZE columns and you would have a table of file names. You could then change those file names into LINKS that point to the PDF files that the filename represents and when the link is clicked, the PDF file is opened.

I might be able to explain the steps, but it would require being comfortable with HTML programming because you would need to update the href of the HTML ANCHOR (link) of each of the file names.

Monday, March 16, 2015 at 2:32 PM - Response #29

Interesting but .... There is no feedback and there is no tracking of one's work (except to look at the list again).

One has to be very careful in editing the list to make sure only the ones desired are deleted since there's no preview on the created list.

Accepted file management modifications would be welcome.

Monday, March 16, 2015 at 3:12 PM - Response #30

All solutions will require some degree of manual typing of the classmates/filenames. Kyles follows your goal of a visible matrix and follows general html rules. Once you do one, the rest are easy to do.

The next is not necessarily quicker Cool As with Kyle's, it depends on one's comfort level with source code level modifications.

I was thinking more of dialog (javascript programmed Form) with a list of scrollable names would appear. Very compact compared to a matrix.

I have something like that but it's geared for photos - this LINK Need to look at another similar thing to see if I can remember what it would take to do PDF display/linking.

Showing this per profile would require manual editing of each classmate entry by adding a link. That's a LOT of work too.

Jim Champaigne wrote:

For three of our reunions (25, 30th and 35th), we had our classmates write their current life history. We probably had a hundred or more that contributed stories.

I uploaded the first batch into our Vault. A very time consuming by one.

Now I am trying to provide all classmates to see each others stories. This could be a matrix on one page [Classmate names in first column, and the three series in the next three columns]
This would be easy to navigate and select any of the existing stories.
It would be nice to also have access within the classmate profile.

Any ideas how we can accomplish this?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 7:32 PM - Response #31

SQUEEK...SQUEEK...OH, MY...that's a lot of work to just get rid of stuff out of the vault. Hope CC comes up with a better, quicker way.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 7:36 PM - Response #32

I hear mice LaughingLaughing

Meg Davis wrote:


Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 1:14 PM - Response #33
matrix test.JPG

I was able to follow your instructions.
I then pasted the entire vault directory into a new page, and thought WOW, now I can just click on a classmate name and get to the .PDF file. Not!

I was hoping to avoid having to connect each name to their respective .PDF as there are a few hundred files already in the vault.

The solution appears unreachable at the present time. Maybe as the file vault advances, it will be possible in the future.

Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 1:48 PM - Response #34

Kyle meant for you to Edit the HTML to make them into links. Remove everything in visual mode in all the cells, EXCEPT the name of the file(s), 2nd column.

Switch to source mode, remove the javascript void, onclick etc and change href to just have the filename.

Goes pretty fast. You can remove the extra columns too as a final touch - but not required. I can post a complete small table if that helps. (Also remove the top row that has script stuff you don't need or want there.)

Finished edited row looks like this - IOW everything else on a row is deleted.

Edited 03/22/15 2:18 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 3:03 PM - Response #35


I have edited your page to do the following:
I deleted the three columns I mentioned above, Size, Date, and DELETE columns
I deleted the header row of the table (it was useless)
I changed each of the file names to be preceded by a link code to the file vault to the file name "CopyFileNameHere"
I changed the FIRST link on the page to work.

YOUR JOB is to go to SOURCE view and search for each "CopyFileNameHere" and replace it with the actual name of the file name that can be found right after the > on the same line and copy the file name, including the ".pdf" and paste it over the top of "CopyFileNameHere". If you do this correctly, each classmate's PDF file will open when you click on the name. Right now, only the first one will work.

If you don't get all of the "CopyFileNameHere" filenames changed, when someone clicks on that link, they will get a 404-FileNotFound error.

Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 9:01 PM - Response #36


You people never cease to amaze me. WOW. It works.

We can now view all those memory pages from 25 years ago.
I will create pages for our 30th and 35th reunion memory books.

You sure made it easy for me to create a high density very easy to use page.

Thank You!

Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 9:08 PM - Response #37

You're welcome. Do you still need my help for the 30th page, or do you think you understand what I did enough to do it yourself? Let me know.

The quick way that I replaced the empty anchor code [less than sign]a[greater than sign] with the "CopyFileNameHere" string is that I did a search and replace of "[less than sign]a[greater than sign]25_" with "[less than sign]a href='[insert path in file vault of the directory]\CopyFileNameHere' [greater than sign]25_" This worked because almost all of your file names began with the "25_", so it was easy to search/replace.

Monday, March 23, 2015 at 2:31 PM - Response #38

I think I will try the other two batches as suggested.

BTW - I have been teaching computer science at the university for 16 years now. Microsoft Office products. We did some web page prior to Google and all the other 21st century stuff. But, with Web 2.0 being so easy to create Blogs and Wiki's, I concentrate instead on the Office applications that will help my students gain a job in today's market place.

And, I spent 25 years developing applications using Visual FoxPro before retiring 8 years ago.

Once I see a pattern, I think I can handle the rest.

Again, thanks for all the help. This is a wonderful product.

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