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View Classmate Profile link in email sends me to my own profile?

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/13/09 09:58 AM Views: 1112 Replies: 1
Monday, July 13, 2009 at 9:58 AM

Hello ClassCreator Team!

I tried searching for this answer first, as I am sure it has come up before, but to no avail...

When I receive an email alert ie. someone is having a birthday, you might want to send them a message, click here to view their profile, etc.

even though I am logged in, my own profile opens up??

What am I missing and how do I help all my classmates with the same question?

Thanks for the most superb online creative business and support that I have ever dealt with... I really mean it!!!


Monday, July 13, 2009 at 1:11 PM - Response #1

Thanks Jeff.

I'm going to turn this one over to the powers that be. In this case that would be Mike Johnston.

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