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Content area VS. the area on the right

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 12/09/09 10:52 AM Views: 1619 Replies: 2
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 10:52 AM

Brad, Jessica or Kyle,

I am sure this has been brought up before but thought it worth asking.

What are the chances of being able to put some of our Content to the right side of the homepage such as a weather widget, a slideshow, a playlist or even an announcement? I realize you have other pressing projects going right now but was wondering if possibly you could put that on the TO DO LIST?

I personally think it would make the homepage look more evenly dispersed and make it even more professional looking. Very Happy

Thanks guys,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 11:16 AM - Response #1

I wouldn't recommend doing that just yet. You have to take into account all users, and many people are still using 4 x 3 monitors with 1024 x 768 resolutions. If you put content to the right, for those users it won't be visible at all. The designs already use up nearly the maximum screen resolution for the lowest common denominator user.

Having said that as older technology and resolutions drop off (when they get around 5% or so) we'll be creating some wider designs, and that 5% is going to have to upgrade or increase their resolution settings.

Just FYI, if you really wanted to put content to the right of your site right now you could easily do it by inserting a simple

tag and then telling the browser the exact pixel coordinates of where you want it. That probably sounds difficult but it's super easy. Just Google up info on
tags and you can do it now. But like I said, be forwarned that for a percentage of your Classmates any content you put over there will cause them to have to scroll to the right, which is generally pretty annoying for people.

This chart is several months old now, but still gives a pretty good idea of how many people are using 1024 x 768 resolutions. With this number of people still on older resolutions you can see why at least for the moment we're reluctant to widen out the designs any further.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 1:29 PM - Response #2

Thanks for the fast reply. I never took that under consideration but I understand what you are saying. I do most to all of my work on the website from my computer at home and when I get on my business laptop I have noticed the website has a totally different look and sometimes I even have to scroll all the way down below where the right hand side ends to see my content.

Maybe later when most computers are up to date then huh? Very Happy

Thanks for the explanation Brad.

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