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Survey Admin only

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/15/17 10:22 AM Views: 740 Replies: 4
Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 10:22 AM

A test survey was created with Survey Maker and marked for ADMIN Only. We wanted to have the site administrators test it out before making it available to the class. However, a non-administrator completed the survey. Is this a known issue? Thanks.

Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 11:09 AM - Response #1

The term "Admin Only" refers to who can see the results.

SURVEY RESULTS: If you set your Survey Results Visibility to "Admins Only" no Classmates will be able to view answers to your survey questions. If you set the visibility to "All Classmates" your Classmates will be able to view collective group results but WILL NOT be able to view each Classmate's specific answers like Administrators can. Individual answers are never displayed to site members for privacy purposes.

If you want admins to test a survey, you can leave it inactive, but give admins (or some test audience) the link to the survey. Caution though, as I created a test survey (which was never made active), took it , and everyone who had set their survey Notify Me option on got a notify that the survey had been taken. That was several years ago though, and may have been fixed by now.

Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 8:44 PM - Response #2

Thanks for the clarification!

Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 12:09 PM - Response #3

Fast forward to 2024. After a very successful 50th reunion in 2014, we are setting up our 6oth reunion. I wanted to do this same thing (send a sample survey to admins only). I have been developing the survey on a Homepage announcement which has slightly different settings than the page to make a survey. Every time I saved a change to my draft, I and one of (and maybe ALL) my other admins got an email saying "Survey Submitted". My question is: Is there a button making that happen? And is there any way I can turn it off. I think we each got 15 emails. I know I used several different "Save" buttons as I was working. "Save changes and exit", "SAVE" somewhere at the bottom of a page and "SAVE my survey". They are all suspect in my opinion.

Friday, July 12, 2024 at 8:43 AM - Response #4

Were you saving a draft to the survey or responding to the survey?

Can you forward me one sample email you received? Send to

Under there Grant Admin Access in

Admin Functions > Manage Classmates > Enter/edit Classmates > Details > Grant admin access you could turn off their option to receive survey submissions.

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