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Forum RSS suggestion

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 12/26/08 09:06 AM Views: 1376 Replies: 1
Friday, December 26, 2008 at 9:06 AM

I am not a BETA tester, but I can see THIS forum's RSS feature. The suggestion I have is to display the author of each message with the information about the message. For instance: One message says:
Today, December 26, 2008, 2 hours ago
What if it also said "By Jane Doe, 23 posts"

Another suggestion: I don't know about the BETA forum, but I would like a place on the RSS screen where the topics are listed to select how many I want to view. Perhaps a drop-down named "Number of Messages:" with "20 , 40, 60, 80, 100" in the drop-down field (20 is the default). This would correspond with the SQL search to only get the first 20 (default) messages. Selecting a bigger number would result in more messages being returned.

Friday, December 26, 2008 at 9:38 AM - Response #1

Thanks Kyle. The beta forums first need a little polishing up, then they'll go live in the system, and then I'll have Rick take a look at this.

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