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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/15/12 12:42 PM Views: 1136 Replies: 3
Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 12:42 PM

Our president paid for our one year subscription renewal and it does not appear to be posted to ur website/

Can some one please help by contacting me in a rivate ea mail for follow up information.


Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 7:51 PM - Response #1


Do you have a date of when he paid? I can see the following payments:

06/24/12 11:50 AM        MasterCard **********   $97.00    
06/09/11 5:30 AM        MasterCard *********** $97.00
06/09/10 5:59 AM        MasterCard ************   $97.00
06/02/09 6:49 AM        Visa ************    $97.00    

Your subscription is paid through : 06/24/2013

Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 7:56 PM - Response #2

The June 24 2012 payment is the one we are looking for. We do not hve our chat room or the IM screen on the right of the home page. Are those not included in the up grade this year?


Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 8:05 PM - Response #3

As you know, if you are a "Premium Plus" subscription, meaning you have been with the company since before August 2009 (I think), when you subscribe to Premium, you are really "Premium Plus". There is a bug in the system and when your credit card is DECLINED, it bumps your status back to TRIAL membership, but doesn't remember you were previous "Premium Plus". When your membership drops back to "trial" because you let your subscription run out (you also had a declined credit card in the list of transactions, but I didn't post that because I didn't think it was what you were looking for), the system doesn't remember that you were "Premium Plus", so you just re-subscribed to "Premium" instead of "Premium Plus".

I can see when you initially signed up (200Cool, so I changed your status back to Premium Plus.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

PS: if your credit card is declined again, you will have the same issue again. It is just the way it is right now.

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