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PDF upload to Announcement

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/03/11 09:42 PM Views: 1594 Replies: 4
Friday, June 3, 2011 at 9:42 PM
John Adams Cruise.pdf

I'm sure this has already been discussed but I would like to post a pdf flyer in an announcement on my home page, how do I accomplish this? The file is attached.

Thank You!

Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 1:14 PM - Response #1


You cannot post the PDF directly to the home page so it displays on your home page. You can only post a LINK to the PDF file. But what you can do is create a GRAPHIC IMAGE of parts of the PDF file, save the graphic to your website, then make the image clickable so that when they click the image, it brings up the PDF file.

To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open the PDF file, (assuming a WINDOWS machine for the next step)
2. With the PDF open, hold down the ALT key and press PRINT SCRN key. This will copy the PDF image to the clipboard
3. Open an image editor (a free one that is good is
4. PASTE (ctrl-v) the image in the image editor
5. Crop the image so that only the part you want to be a graphic on your website is displayed
6. Save the image
7. On your website, EDIT SITE PAGES, EDIT HOME PAGE, move to where you want your IMAGE/PDF link
8. Click the IMAGE button, BROWSE, Search for the image you just created, UPLOAD, resize the image if needed, save the image
9. Select the image
10. Click on INSERT/EDIT LINK (2nd row of icons, looks like a world with two links of a chain in front of it)
11. If you haven't uploaded your PDF file yet, BROWSE your hard drive to find your PDF file, UPLOAD. If you already have it uploaded, click FILE VAULT and INSERT your PDF. Save the link
12. Save the contents of your home page.

You should now have an IMAGE of the PDF file and when you click on the IMAGE, the PDF file will open up.

Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 5:35 PM - Response #2

Slightly easier and more flexible way to copy stuff from a PDF file:

To copy a page (or any section) of a PDF file, in Edit, click on the tool Click And Select Area for Snapshot. Then use the select tool (cursor changes to a +) to draw a select rectangle which then automatically copies to the clipboard. Very simple and easy.

Turn on the tools in View - Show/Hide if tools are not visible in toolbar.

And something even more Amazing. Thought I'd try to paste directly into the CC editor and .. it worksExclamation No need for an intermediate program. Editor Paste accepts the data from the clipboard and stores raw image right on the page. You can also resize image inside the editor if required.


So for a quick page, select from PDF (using tool) then paste into the page using Editor Paste. Should work great for small projects. It's only 2 steps and nothing else requiredCool

Edited 06/04/11 5:53 PM
Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 11:17 PM - Response #3

Thank You vey much!

Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 11:34 PM - Response #4

Thank You Kyle!

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