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Homesite logos

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 12/08/09 04:56 PM Views: 1306 Replies: 1
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 4:56 PM

I have been trying to put the picture of our school at the top of our home page, but everytime I do it, the annual logo goes away. What do I do?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 5:51 PM - Response #1

Margaret Lackey wrote:

I have been trying to put the picture of our school at the top of our home page, but everytime I do it, the annual logo goes away. What do I do?

The design you have chosen has the LOGO (your yearbook) at the top of the page and the school photo right below the "Classmate Profiles" link.

So in order to have the school picture at the top of the design, you need to replace the LOGO (annual).

Another option might be to change the design (Click the CHANGE DESIGN menu item). You are using "Professional #5" design. Numbers 1-4 and Number 6 all have the school photo at the top.

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