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How do I use the Reunion Planner for Class Sponsorship

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/09/11 11:28 PM Views: 1490 Replies: 1
Monday, May 9, 2011 at 11:28 PM

Our reunion is over but we don't want to delete the registration info at the present time. However, we would like to utilize the planner to accept class sponsorship using the ability to pay on the site. Is it possible to have the old reunion info inactive and active a Sponsorship Page?

Thank you in advance.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 10:43 AM - Response #1

You would want to Archive the old reunion and begin a new reunion planner. Then, you can set up your new reunion planner page with whatever you wish to add. You can name the page however you wish and add any content that you would like. Also, you could set up Sponsorship levels for your items for sale. Also, if you want to have an option that is available for any donation amount, set up one of the items with a price of 8888 - this will translate into a form field where the classmate can add any denomination.

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