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Safari Blows Out Home Page Width...

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/30/12 08:36 AM Views: 1185 Replies: 4
Monday, July 30, 2012 at 8:36 AM

Why does my MAC tower Safari browser sometime blowout the Home Page pixel width of 420? When I view on Firefox on a different computer it looks fine? When I view on my MAC laptop with Safari it looks fine. Could it be my preferences? Totally baffled here.


Monday, July 30, 2012 at 8:49 AM - Response #1


Since I don't have Safari or a MAC tower, you can test which announcement is causing the problem by doing the following:
Post Announcements
Click on the VIEW of the first active announcement
your home page will refresh in a new window with only that announcement showing
If the home page displays fine, that announcement is not causing the problem
If no problems, Repeat with the next active/viewable announcement

When you find an announcement that causes problems, edit the announcement, click SOURCE, search for the word "width", if the number after the "=" is larger than 390 (or 380 if using bullets for your announcements), change it to that number. Continue searching the contents for "width" and modify as needed. Save the announcement.
Continue with above steps until you don't have a problem any more.

Monday, July 30, 2012 at 8:50 AM - Response #2

Announcements have a maximum width of 390 (380 with bullets). It is the main content that has a width of 420 if it is in the Right Side Module area.
The announcements move as a block, so if one announcement causes a problem, they all must move down to where there is no problem (after the right-side modules).

Monday, July 30, 2012 at 11:21 AM - Response #3

I am a novice or maybe less when using HTML code, but when I do insert HTML into a page on ClassCreator I have to format the perimeters to assure a fit. Is this the problem we are concerned with here?

Monday, July 30, 2012 at 12:17 PM - Response #4

I'm not seeing the issue whe I look at the page in Safari. I'm guessing you already fixed the issue? Yes, you need to double check any code and format the width parameters to fit for the home page... typically no wider than 420 if the embed is on the homepage near the top.

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