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Email the Class issues
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Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 2:08 PM
When I send Newsletters to the class, the counter usually fills up within 36-48 hours. However, the June 8th mailing has not been received by almost 100 out of 255 email addresses. Test runs to my other administrators after the fact, show that my main site builder administrator cannot receive mail from within the system coming from Email the Class. Other classmates have written in after seeing comments about items discussed on Profile Pages saying they did not receive the Newsletter either. Emailed CC but have not heard back....yet. They no longer have a phone number listed. Could it be the Select/Deselect system did not fully populate properly once we came back online? All the names show up, but it seems they are not all "connected." Anyone else aware of this problem?
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Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 2:56 PM - Response #1
Hi Marsha, The counters next to each email are to indicate who has opened the email not who received it. I don't see a large number of bounces and the logs indicate the email went out. All of the names and email addresses are connected. We had a brief display issue for the names - they were actually there it was just not displaying correctly. That should be fully resolved now. Jessica
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Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:53 PM - Response #2
Hi Jessica, I'm sorry; maybe I didn't word the problem correctly. We are still having trouble with classmates receiving emails from "Email the Class." I am happy to hear it is not a display problem. Today, and when I sent the Newsletter out on June 8, all the names were there. As late as today, our own primary administrator and a second administrator have not received test messages sent via the Email the Class segment. I have spoken with several other classmates as a survey, and they, too have not received our Newsletter nor test messages sent directly to them. nor have several of my other classmates. I am aware that 255 emails went out but only 166 were "opened." Usually, that 255 number appears for opened emails within a 36-48 hour first hint that something was wrong. We have a very active group who, while stuck at home during this pandemic, have actively read and commented on the Newsletters going out containing life stories....until the system went down. I am wary of sending out another Newsletter until we are assured everyone is connected. Right now, I am telling you, they are not. Something is systemically wrong.
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Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 8:57 PM - Response #3
I sent an email to my class list this morning and very few have received it. One common link is that those of us who did not get the email have a Gmail account. It's been over 12 hours now since I sent the email, any idea when it will show up in my classmates' email in box? Thanks
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Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 10:43 PM - Response #4
EC Memorial 1969, It seems you may be confusing received versus read. Please see Jessica's Response #1: "The counters next to each email are to indicate who has opened the email not who received it." For each email sent, there are four fields: Date, Subject, Sent To, and Read By. Read by is who has opened it, as Jessica says in her response. There is no field to indicate who has received the email. If someone in your class had not received it, you'd have a bounceback for them. It's possible just a few have read it so far. Hopefully, that number will increase in the coming hours.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 1:05 AM - Response #5
Test emails sent to and from administrators within the Email the Class section are not being received. They administrators are also included in the general population when a Newsletter is sent as well...and like many classmates I have spoken to since the last Newsletter went out on June 8, they have not received the general class email. I understand how the counter works. I am telling you, altho the counter shows the emails sent, they are not all being received. It's not just that people are not reading them. I accept that those who have received and read the emails are being clicked off on the counter. There is a disconnect between how many are sent out and how many are actually being delivered to in boxes.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 6:50 AM - Response #6
Scott I believe we were one of the early customers of the Class Creator system as we have been online since May 2008. I've been involved with computers since 1976, when we used terminals with a mainframe and punch cards for coding so I think I know the difference between received and read. Your assumption about the problem is wrong - there is a problem with the Class Creator's email programs. This has happened in the past but has been resolved quickly. Now almost 24 hours later I still haven't received the email in my Gmail account. Patrick Mattson, Webmaster, MHS Class of 69
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 9:18 AM - Response #7
Patrick, Thanks for your clarification. I gave myself some wiggle room in saying "It seems you may be confusing..." but clearly that is not the case. Hoping this difficulty gets resolved soon!
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 9:34 AM - Response #8
Scott Love the Class Creator platform but now I don't know what to think. Patrick
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 10:23 AM - Response #9
Patrick, I've also been a CC customer since 2008. This is the first time I've actually felt abandoned. I'm getting the distinct impression (and I hope I'm very wrong)that everyone at CC has jumped ship.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 10:35 AM - Response #10
Mark, I think everything will be resolved. We have to count our blessings that this niche company Class Creator is in existence. I know of no other web offering that gives the functionality they give at such a reasonable price. Quite a few issues have already been fixed. I say let's just be patient for now.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 11:03 AM - Response #11
Scott Patrick
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 11:47 AM - Response #12
I'd like to be as confident as you Scott but however difficult it is to fix whatever needs to be fixed, CC have handled their customers badly. We have a right to be kept up to date with what's going on and where we're at. It's my money and 12 years' work that's tied up in this so patience is all I can have at the moment. I don't have any other option but it could have been handled so much better.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 12:08 PM - Response #13
Mark, I'm sympathetic with you about communication. Hard to say what the dynamics are behind the scenes. My guess is Class Creator has just a handful of employees, including the founder, Brad Davis and the ones who help us, including Jessica, Scott Mastenbrook, Kyle Erickson, and Gwen Corey, and maybe a few programmers, and is working like mad with their new cloud server host, on this migration. Based on Class Creator's history, I feel we'll be back to normal soon, but know it's frustrating to not have everything restored right now.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 1:50 PM - Response #14
Since notices on our Profile pages seem to be showing up, I posted my last Newsletter onto my profile page...moving photos into that small rectangle was no easy trick, but it got done! Hopefully, classmates will who did not receive my Newsletter will see this. I also posted an Announcement on the homepage directing folks to my profile page if they hadn't received the June 8th mailing. So far, I have not gotten any notice of the announcement in my inbox, nor have I seen a notification that my profile page was updated altho I can find the Newsletter in "What's New." Maybe it's our age, but I don't have many FB followers on the Class page I created years ago (58th reunion this year!)However, I like the idea and will post a message there to cover all bases. Thanks for mentioning it! As for speculating what is happening with CC, I haven't a clue. I just hope everyone is healthy and virus free.
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 1:55 PM - Response #15
It appears that email is working again as it is supposed to - yay. Patrick
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 2:50 PM - Response #16
Patrick, One of my fellow administrators reports "old" email from a few days ago has appeared in her inbox. However, test emails sent to her today, have yet to arrive. I also sent a test to myself before sending her an email this morning and have yet to see that test come through. So, the log jam of backed up mail has been broken. Now we have to see what it looks like going forward. I'm holding off releasing any more bulk email to the class for the next day or so until I am sure we are up and running. Marsha Thaler
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Friday, June 12, 2020 at 11:33 PM - Response #17
Hi Marsha, Did she receive her email? I'm not seeing any pending. Jessica
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Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 12:12 AM - Response #18
Jessica, Looks like all "test" emails from the Email the Class site have arrived at the appropriate administrator's inboxes. Also, my "Read by" counter is now at the same number of emails I sent out...255. It didn't take long for that to catch up from 166 this morning before the break in the log jam! Don't want to bother you now, but somewhere down the road, I very strongly campaign for putting that "Read by" counter back to infinity. It is/was the way I could survey just which topics and stories resonated most with my classmates. I lost a very important tool when that was taken away. Thank you for staying on the "Email the Class" problem. For some very frustrating days, I thought the CC team had given up. Next, please work on: 1) Duplications of everything coming through on profile pages. 2) Upside down photos from iPhones/iPads that have been renamed when edited and saved. This was something that was worked out years ago by CC and only reared it's ugly head again when CC started the migration. Somewhere in the archives, there is a "fix" for this. What I have learned from a counter that went to infinity is that my group responds and rereads our Newsletters generated from "Email the Class" when there are photos. Thanks for the hard work and the fixes! I know this has been equally as frustrating for you. Be well, stay well!
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Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 1:46 AM - Response #19
What's new/Profile duplicates are actively being worked on and resolved for some but not for all. We are still working on the underlying process itself which should clear it up for anyone remaining shortly. The IPad/IPhone item has to do with the types of files those devices generates. We never had a good fix for this other than for users who rotate them locally having them save-as and save them with a different file name which typically allows the image to keep the adjusted orientation. I still recommend that now. We will check into it further on the new configuration. Jessica
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Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 4:23 AM - Response #20
Jessica, Sections of or even all of some posts on my Notice Board (What's New) are not appearing/disappearing/appearing in part only. Presumably, it's all part of the problems?
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Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 11:51 AM - Response #21
Mark, The problem's symptoms have not changed since it was initially reported last July. But the symptoms vary, depending on who's logged in and which profiles they're viewing. And of course, it only fails on profiles which have enough messages and comments to trigger a "More" button as you're paging down.
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Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 12:09 PM - Response #22
Not quite, John. These are new comments being posted on my Notice Board (What's New) page. Two haven't been there at all when I click on the Notification link and one two were just half a sentence, stopped in mid-flow. One of the half-sentences was my own post apologising to Classmates for the mess with posts! If Jessica's listening, posts on the page I'm talking about are still being duplicated.
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