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Halloween card

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/25/11 10:44 PM Views: 1883 Replies: 9
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 10:44 PM


In case, nobody has posted this yet

I put a ghost picture on my home page and linked this e-card to it.. Open it, if you dare !!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 10:48 PM - Response #1

For some reason, part of the code went behind my picture... Unless, someone can fix it, you have to copy the code right through my photo, or the e-card won't open....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 10:24 AM - Response #2

Thanks for the card, it! I don't see the ghost picture on your home page though. Am I missing the obvious? (viewing with Firefox)

ShockedToccata in D Minor is a perfect Halloween addition! Shocked

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 12:33 PM - Response #3

Hi Ruth,
The ghost is on my announcement page, which I have password protected... But, here's the system password if you would like to look at it.. hotdog 1960

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 2:43 PM - Response #4

**note - Brad and team...I have two questions here for you...


I had a wonderful visit to your page. Thank you!!

If others are interested in visiting, and have forgotten like I did, how to use the system password; you click on any password protected link, to take you to the sign in page. (Brad, it seems there should be a box to enter the system password or a link to this second page on the homepage?)

Also, Lynda, I found your password as given in the forum had an extra space. I had to enter: hotdog1960 (no space)

Now that I'm signed in, I'm still not seeing the link to Announcements. The homepage is coming up with the sign on boxes, so I wonder if I'm still seeing the password protected version. I don't know if there's a glitch with the system password regarding the homepage, or if I'm just missing the link to the Announcements?

One other note for Brad and crew...When I left Lynda's page and then returned, I found I was still logged in. Until I cleared my cache, I remained logged in. It seems that visitors should be signed out as soon as they leave the site?

It's not a big deal if I don't get to visit Lynda's Announcements, but I thought the crew would like to know about the problems I ran into along the way.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 3:36 PM - Response #5

Hi Ruth,

Announcements are not linked, they're displayed as part of the home page.

As for your login, you'll remain logged in to your site until either you log out or 24 hours go by, unless you've checked the "Remember Me" box on the login form, in which case you must explicitly log out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 6:02 PM - Response #6

Eric, I had to do this with my own site to understand. When I sign in with the system password, I don't see my "Announcements" on the homepage either. On both sites, logged in with the system password, I see exactly the same homepage I saw before logging in with the system password. All is fine with regular email/password combinations.

On both sites, I logged in on the page that says, "You have reached a password protected page of the... web site. I also don't see the customary way to "log out" (link on the left side menu), or a way to log on with the system password and check the "remember me" box.

Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 11:01 AM - Response #7

Ruth, I'm afraid you've confused me a bit, so I'm going to try to answer what I think is the concern you're presenting. If I miss the mark, please try again.

You keep referring to "homepage" but from the context it seems as though you might be using the word to refer to whatever page you are looking at. The homepage is the the page on a website that shows by default when you just go directly to a site without specifying a page on that site. For example, if you go to
you'll get to the homepage, but if you go to
you're going to your page that is headed "***START HERE! ***".

When I visit your homepage, I see your announcements, although the WORD "Announcements" is not displayed, presumably because you selected not to display it.

As for your log out link not displaying, when you log in using the system password, instead of your individual email/password login credentials, you are only authorized until you close the browser window in which you are viewing that site. Ergo, no log out link is displayed (and the "Remember Me" option does not apply).

Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 2:22 PM - Response #8

Eric, now I'm confused too! LOL...

I'll try to give you a clearer explanation. I have my Home Page set up so that when someone follows the address,, they only see an introduction. It includes the Welcome though the little blue guy who waves. Once signed in, classmates can see the banner that reads "Announcements" and everything to the bottom of my home page where you see the dancing hippy. All of the password protected part was set up using the "Announcements" option.

When I sign into my site with the system password, I can see all the password protected pages, but I cannot see the part of the Home Page that begins with Announcements and ends with the dancing hippy. I am guessing the same is true when I signed into Lynda's page, because I have looked everywhere and still cannot see her announcements or the ghost on her home page.

One thought. It seems awkward, that to sign in with the system password, I have to click on a password protected link to get to the page titled "You have clicked on a password protected page" where the system log in box is located. It seems there should be a third box for system passwords located on the home page (or a link to it). Is there a better way to enter the system password that might correct the problem I'm having? The admins have all been using this system password sign on option for a long time, so I don't know why I'm running into trouble when others seemingly have not. I have a feeling I'm missing an obvious just isn't obvious to me! Laughing

Thanks for your patience Eric. I'm sorry the explanation is so wordy!

Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 3:58 PM - Response #9

I think I get it now.

You've hit upon a couple of things that seem to deserve further design/implementation attention from us.

When you select to display the announcements only to logged in users, the eligible group is not including visitors logged in with the system password. Only registered site users are shown that content. Since the home page is often left unlocked even when all other pages are, it makes sense that guests who have been given the system password would be allowed acess to that content or the whole point of the system password with respect to that page is undermined.

Also, there is no field in the login box to enter the system password, just the regular email and password. This is to prevent confusion about which password to put where. Clicking on another page and being informed that it is unavailable without a password is the way we handle it, but in theory we certainly could add a separate guest login box with only a field for the system password.

If you want to see the announcements on another site and they are protected, you may just have to ask the admin to register you as a guest member of their site until we address this.

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