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Uploaded Classmate Data

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 01/26/10 05:45 PM Views: 1286 Replies: 3
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 5:45 PM

I uploaded all classmates with name, street, city, etc. etc. using your template in .csv format. All names appeared in Clasmates Profile. Yet when someone new to the site starts the process of signing in, creating a password and starting the 5 Steps for data input, the address, street, city, etc. are not there. Why? Please advise what is correction process for this situation.

Thank you, ED

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 8:26 PM - Response #1

We don't show that information deliberately. Sometimes it's outdated. And if it is, sometimes the Classmates inadvertently leave it that way. If we make people give us fresh contact information we ensure it's correct. This is a change we actually made a very long time ago due to people leaving old information in place at the time of joining. The way it is now you can always be assured of getting the most current, accurate contact info.

Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 6:07 PM - Response #2

If you don't use it why then did your excel template ask for the data and why did I upload it? There must be another use of the data that I do not see or it was a wasted effort? Please reply.


Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 7:44 PM - Response #3

The Classmate contact information is absolutely essential. It is used by classes here for everything from label printing, mail merges, sending postcards, reunion invites, the "Where They Live" right hand home page module, plotting your Classmates on the map, determining which Classmates are listed as "missing", etc.

The only time we DON'T show this information is when the Classmate is joining. What happened in the past when we used to show address information at the time of joining is people would sometimes leave incorrect, outdated information in there. Or they'd put in the current street address but inadvertently leave the old state, or any combination of the above. The simple solution was to make the Classmate enter their current address into blank fields, regardless of whether or not you actually have the address information already. Worked like a charm. Problem solved. Just recently we even took it a step further, so if a Classmate joins and leaves the street address information blank intentionally (many people don't know how that information is used so they just leave it blank) it does NOT wipe out your own Admin copy of the contact information. That way people who have worked very long and hard to obtain this data, or even paid for this data in some cases, do not lose this valualbe information that is an important part of maintaining their class list.

Edited 01/28/10 8:33 PM
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