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Non-class website fixes

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 09/13/16 12:33 PM Views: 1001 Replies: 2
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 12:33 PM

I have a membership site that is not a high school class. Some of the messages that come from Class Creator refer to 'class' or 'classmates' and not the term we use for our club (i.e., 'club' or 'member'.). This is a request to make the following simple changes:

1. When a new person signs up, the notification (i.e. the 'bell' alert icon)"(name) has joined the class." Please change it to simply "(name)has joined."

2. When a new person signs up, the email notification says '(name) did not originally appear in your class list'. Please remove the word class.

The places where 'class' shows up that only an admin can see (such as 'Manage Classmates' menu) is not really a problem. I just don't want my club members to be getting messages that refer to a 'class' or 'classmates'.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 1:05 PM - Response #1

The word "class" is pretty much redundant, even for sites that do reflect a "class".

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 2:48 PM - Response #2

Hi Tom,

The notices you reference are admin notices. I see you have change class to members in your Preferences page which changes all of the public/member pages of the site.

You probably already saw this list as it appears you have done many of the items - Brad had created a non-class site list and posted to the forums

I'll mention these two but since they are admin notices it might be part of the future project we have to change the admin variables as well.

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