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3rd Party SSL Certificate

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/05/21 07:33 PM Views: 352 Replies: 1
Monday, April 5, 2021 at 7:33 PM

Is it possible to purchase a secure certificate from a 3rd party? If so, what would be the procedure to get it added to my site?


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 4:38 PM - Response #1

Steve, I can't help you regarding third party SSL Certificates beyond recommending the third party certificate Class Creator offers, which is from Once you obtain your certificate from Class Creator (Admin Functions > Domain Management > Secure Your Domain Name) and click on the padlock, then on "Certificate (Valid)", you learn the certificate is provided by We use this certificate Class Creator offers and are happy with the way it has performed so far, and the price ($49/year for one year or $35/year for multiyear) seems reasonable. Class Creator says they carefully researched which certificate would work well with our sites. Is there some reason you wish to have a third party certificate other than the one Class Creator offers?

Edited 04/08/21 7:09 PM
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