Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 6:57 PM - Response #1
Which photo are you talking about? The only photo I see thumbtacked is your mascot pic? Just so you know, your homepage is really difficult to read. It would make it much easier on the eyes to use paragraph breaks. I also highly encourage you to remove phone numbers and your email from your homepage. Your email will be ridden with spam very soon. Instead, create a link to your 'contact us' button so your email won't be picked up by bots and then you can put phone numbers on password protected pages. You also may want to re-think not having rsvps for your reunion. You will have absolutely NO idea who is attending. It will not encourage people to join your site or participate in it if they don't know who is coming to the reunion. Sounds very high schoolish, but I'm afraid that it's a reality. At any rate take those phone numbers off. YOu don't want some crazy from online calling you or doing a reverse number search. I googled the 208 number and I have your name, company name, address and tonnes of info about you! I'm not a whacko, but there are many out there.