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Missing Classmates Box

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/14/11 05:52 PM Views: 1262 Replies: 3
Monday, November 14, 2011 at 5:52 PM

Is there any way I can make the Missing Classmates Box(which shows up on my home page) appear on my Missing Classmates Page?

This way i have a way for members to help me reach
both of the following types of missing classmates:

1. those who are not listed in the database (which the box attempts to do)

2.and those who are listed, but don't have emails (which the page is meant to do)

Is there some code for the Missing classmates box i can place under "edit missing classmates" page.

Monday, November 14, 2011 at 6:23 PM - Response #1

Yes. Go into source mode for the home page, find "MISSING CLASSMATES", now back up to the table and copy everything from there to the /table and paste in source mode into any page you can edit.

You might want to set the width to 180 vs 100% or any size over that, plus alignment you want.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 10:38 AM - Response #2

Copy carefully!

If you don't get all the javascript code in there properly, the anti-spam measures may either improperly trap messages you want to be sent, or may allow spam bots to use the form to send unwanted messages via your site.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 4:53 PM - Response #3

Thanks Jack and Eric, its not the easiest to figure how to do this..finally got the box to show up,but its larger (height wise) than i want it be and also will need to learn how to have text next to it (with the box aligned right) let me see if i can do this ..maybe will get back to one of you if I need more help..

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