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Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 10:05 PM
Just thought I would share with all of you the postcard I did up for our classmates introducing our site. A lot of people in our class do not know about our site yet because I do not have e-mails on them, so I came up with this idea. I don't know how to load pics to this forum but try to picture in your head the picture you see to the left of this e-mail (our 20 year reunion group pic) is the front of the post card (I got them printed at and their prices are great) and here is the content of the the back.... Pirate Logo Here (Centered) WE HAVE ARIVED!! The Payette Class of 1987 web site, Come and join the fun! We are missing you! There is a lot to see! Just get onto the site, find the link “Classmate Profiles”, find your name, click on it and follow the prompts. There is also a link called “First Time Visitor”, that is very informative, as to how to create your profile and to upload pictures of you and your family. It is fast, easy, safe and most of all FREE! If you are in a hurry, that’s o.k., just register your name & create your password, so you can start getting e-mails on updates and other important information concerning our site. Then when you have more time, come back later and fill in the blanks and take another look around. This site was created by Yvette (Johanson) Allen. I am also your site administrator, so if you have any questions when you get to the site just contact me through the “Contact Us” link. I am very excited for you to get started. Take care, be safe and I hope all is well with you and your families!  Your Classmate and Friend, Yvette (Johanson) Allen ***********
I typed it up myself and glued it on to the back of the postcard to save on money. It didn't take me long at all. I am really happy with how they turned out! There is more color to the original typing of it and our pirate logo is at the top. Even though it is a postcard I ordered envelopes to help protect the picture on the front and to keep the information on the back private. Yvette Payette Class of "87"
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Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 10:29 PM - Response #1
Funny you posted this! I did the same thing last week and sent 850 postcards to classmates on our multi year site. I created a full color postcard on and uploaded the spreadsheets of addresses. Vista's system 'scrubbed' the list and kicked out addresses with errors. I have been very pleased. The postcards have just starting hitting and we are getting more members plus a lot of chatter amount alumni. I will keep you posted on the success.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 11:21 PM - Response #2
We used Vistaprint too with our class photo from the inside cover of our yearbook on the front with the announcement to log on and check it out. We also had them print the message on the back too. All we had to do was put a mailing label and stamp and off they go! It's a great way to announce the site and inexpensive!
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Friday, April 3, 2009 at 12:14 AM - Response #3
Great minds think alike....right! I hope I have great success with it too! Yvette Payette High Class of "87"
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Friday, April 3, 2009 at 12:53 AM - Response #4
Amazing! I sent Brad a copy of MY postcard done yesterday, so he could put it up for everyone to see, and it too, was done on Vistaprint! I use them alot, so the prices are incredible! However, mine is more of a 4 x 8 invitation (vertical) that has text and pics for TWO high schools joining together that says: SKYLINE PICTURE of our city across the top 35 years later... MHS logo LHS logo we're getting together... LHS logo MHS logo AGAIN! "Save the Date" June 26-27, 2009 (see reverse for more info) on the back it has 2 Reunion Cartoons, mhs website address another photo lhs website address To me, they can figure it out once they get on..... We'll mail 800, next week.
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Friday, April 3, 2009 at 12:55 AM - Response #5
oh, and I also sent the web administrator of both high schools the information, and he has already posted 2 links on the main school district website!
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Friday, April 3, 2009 at 1:06 AM - Response #6
That's great! You guys are more big time then me. I will maybe send out 50, if that. My class consisted of about 108 people. I am small town! Yvette PHS Class of "87"
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Monday, April 6, 2009 at 10:41 PM - Response #7
We printed business cards with our school logo and the website address on it so they are small enough for alumni to carry with them should they run into a classmate while out and about. Very easy and inexpensive! I've also dropped these in an envelope with a handwritten note on the back of the card when I locate a classmate that I don't feel comfortable calling.
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Monday, April 6, 2009 at 10:48 PM - Response #8
That is a great idea! I actually have some of the postcards I made in my car for that reason but the business card is more convienent. I would love to use that idea! Yvette PHS Class of "87"
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 3:30 PM - Response #9
CHS postcard - front.jpg
I just finished working on our postcard to introduce our new class site. I am going to take the "proof" with me to our next reunion meeting, but I thought I would get your feedback in the meantime.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 3:32 PM - Response #10
CHS postcard - back.jpg
I had to do a second post to put the back of the card on here. I would only need to mail about 150 cards. Our site is doing pretty go - we've only been up and running for about a week and have 26 members already!!!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 7:35 PM - Response #11
The postcard looks great! I would suggest one thing and that is to mention that it's free to join somewhere on the card. The free part always gets them!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 8:07 PM - Response #12
Thanks so much!! That is a great idea!!