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No interest at all in reunion
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 10:31 PM
Have we discussed a way to handle someone who has no interest in the reunion at all? I don't want to remove her picture (she hasn't asked), but she does not want to come or talk about it. I know we are being iconed to death, but I wish there were an icon for no interest, leave me alone.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 11:21 PM - Response #1
You are lucky to have just one. I this is common and the best thing, in my opinion, is to just leave her alone, Keep treating her like any other classmate by continuing to send e-mails, birthdays notices, etc. After all, she had some interest or she would not have even signed up or had any contact at all. She may come around in time.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 11:27 PM - Response #2
I would leave it alone too. I have a few in my class, so it is what it is. Besides, you dont want a party pooper to spoil the fun. Jodi
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 11:47 PM - Response #3
Debbie Phillips wrote: Have we discussed a way to handle someone who has no interest in the reunion at all? I don't want to remove her picture (she hasn't asked), but she does not want to come or talk about it. I know we are being iconed to death, but I wish there were an icon for no interest, leave me alone. Well Debbie =) I think an icon like that would be like a little black rain cloud on the site ..... You have to give her props though for even signing up in the first place if she is that much of a party pooper ... Some people just wouldn't sign up at all on the last reunion site I worked on ~no matter how many times they were asked I have a little admin notebook that I keep on my desk & write notes about each classmate, so that I know who is who & the level of expectation I can expect from each of them .... she obviously wants to be in the loop ~ maybe she will come around ~christine marie
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Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 8:06 AM - Response #4
She didn't sign up. All we have is her name and her senior picture which I posted. I or my committee will not bother her but some of our dear classmates are really trying to bring everyone into the fold so they contact her. Thus, my situation. I don't want to send an email to everyone saying leave her alone. I don't want to remove her name and have everyone say, where is Leighan? Not a life or death problem, just trying to figure out the best solution for all.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 11:13 AM - Response #5
Debbie Phillips wrote: She didn't sign up. All we have is her name and her senior picture which I posted. I or my committee will not bother her but some of our dear classmates are really trying to bring everyone into the fold so they contact her. Thus, my situation. I don't want to send an email to everyone saying leave her alone. I don't want to remove her name and have everyone say, where is Leighan? Not a life or death problem, just trying to figure out the best solution for all.
If she really wants people to leave her alone ~ A) she will ask you herself to take her name off the list or B) you can suggest to her to log on and leave her own note on her profile for everyone to leave her alone. But I would never take a classmate off the list unless that person asked me too ~christine marie
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Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 2:38 PM - Response #6
Out of 600+, we have had 11 classmates tell us they do not want anything to do with us. We have their address and phone but will not let anyone have it. On their Profile we show the name like this: This let's our classmates know not to try to contact them but still keeps them on the list so people will not ask why they are not there.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 5:04 PM - Response #7
Well, fortunately for us, we've only encountered 1 classmate who doesn't want anything to do with us, which he shared with us in a strongly worded email, but that's not the point. Due to his strong dislike of all things high school, he was simply removed from the site; if anyone asks about him, I will tell them the truth, but as far as you situation goes, I think that she should be left on the list, unless she asks to be removed. The suggestion to put Do Not Contact next to the name would work the best, I think. Good luck! Vicki
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Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 7:18 PM - Response #8
I wrote the girls on the committee to tell them of her wishes. I put not interested but I may change that to do not contact. Good idea. Thanks for the help! I also had one girl who went to school with us a short time and said her experience with us was horrible, yada, yada, yada. Yikes. I am doubly bummed now...
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 9:10 AM - Response #9
One lesson I have learned in life can't please everyone and you can't get bummed over it. As far as I'm concerned it's her lost, not yours! Go to your reunion knowing that only one person was not pleased...that is awesome! I had one classmate so far say that he did not want to be contacted anymore so I took his email address off but I still have his name as one of our classmates.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 4:32 PM - Response #10
We had about 4 or 5 people say they wanted nothing to do with the reunion whatsoever. I kept their name on the classlist on the website and in all my contact details, but I put in big red letters in my excel spreadsheet DO NOT CONTACT. I don't think it's up to me to determine if other people can or cannot contact this person. They may be on Facebook or another social networking site. So, for our purposes, no one on the reunion committee contacted these people about the reunion. Coincidentally, we had one person change her mind. I got quite a sternly written email when I got her contact info saying she wanted nothing to do with the reunion, to remove her from the list and to not give out any of her information. I responded that I understood and would respect her wishes (as well as anyone else who made same request). Whaddaya know, one of her friends convinced her to come to the reunion and when I chatted with her, she admitted to being glad she went. The key is not to apply pressure, but to show them you are respecting their wishes. I don't think the committee has to go so far as to put no contact on the actual website for everyone to see because I don't believe that is the committee's decision to make. It could set the committee up for a hassle if the person who doesn't want to be contacted wants to be contacted by a long lost friend and finds out that info was posted publicly on the website.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 8:20 PM - Response #11
Out of our class of some 290 living members, we only have one that wants no contact. We left her on the website list, however, flagged her profile "Show On Class List:" = No. That way we've maintained the last information we had and honored her wishes.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 11:30 PM - Response #12
I have a number of classmates who prefer to remain lost. I kept their names on our roster, and just edited their status to Do Not Show on Class List. I also use the Admin comments section for the classmate's profile for other notes. This way classmates will not seek the classmate out if they see that their profile has yet to be updated, and the person will still be accounted for within a reunion committee.
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:40 PM - Response #13
Hi All... Just my thoughts... My high school experience was not that great (in my mind)... and yet, I am currently IN CHARGE of our 30th reunion. Go figure. I had a few very close friends (who are registered, but not part of the reunion committee) and lots of people I was "friends" with but not really... There are lots of people in this world who had terrible high school expriences, but through life have learned to let them go. If this person really wanted to be left alone, s/he would NEVER have registered on the site in the first place. Give him/her time. Maybe you aren't the one s/he wants to reconnect with, but don't prohibit him/her from reaching out to those who may have made a difference.
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