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Image-Xref finds the images used in your pages

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/21/16 11:51 PM Views: 1063 Replies: 1
Monday, November 21, 2016 at 11:51 PM

Image-Xref automatically scans your site and give you a list of images you are using. They are separate into a list for 'image' and a list for 'file'.

It only finds images displayed on pages using < img src= >. All pages that are visible in your links are scanned automatically. However, you can manually add other links manually. For example, pages with your own custom links

Here's the program and the docs. You create a new page on YOUR site and then paste this code to create the interface to scan your siste (details in docs).

Tried to keep this simple for now, but it's possible to tell you what page they are used on. Right now, any duplicates are only shown one time.

Consider this a "beta" since there may be some cases I am not aware about.

Here's the LINK and DOCS

Edited 11/26/16 10:00 PM
Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 10:07 PM - Response #1

Updated with:

1. A revised interface to adjust for Responsive Sites.

2. Additional data that gives a response benchmark for reviewing the pages of your site. It gives overall result in kb/sec.

Run #2 a few times to get an idea of how your site runs and then you can tell if there's a problem in the future Idea

Our site runs around 300kb/sec. This is just the time to load the pages. Does not load the images or anything else on your page. For our site, it will be be less since you are not logged in, thus the links get blocked and the full page is not loaded.

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