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Question from Classmate about Uploading Photos

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/24/11 05:02 PM Views: 1406 Replies: 1
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 5:02 PM

First Message:
Good morning Kathy. Last night I unloaded photos to my profile. When finished, my profile showed the photos, all seemed to be working. This morning when I logged on, my profile no longer displayed the photos and the photo icon was no longer beside my profile name. When I click on edit/upload photos, my photos are still there. Seems to be a bug in my profile! ???? Give it a look when have the time. Thanks

Second Message:
Kathy the photo problem seems to only be present on the site, when I log on from my office computer...from home during lunch, all was working. That makes no sense to me.

The classmate is Gary Dellinger.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 10:28 PM - Response #1

My best guess here is this Classmate has her browser cache set to "never." If that's the case that means her web site pages are never updating no matter what she does. She needs to go into her browser cache settings and make sure it's not set to never. Cache should either be set to "automatic" or "always" if you want to be sure you're always getting the most recently version of the web page live from the Internet and not from your computer's own local cache. Please verify with her what her browser cache settings are and should that turn out not to be it please let us know.

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