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How best to display photos on our site

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 01/27/14 10:36 PM Views: 992 Replies: 8
Monday, January 27, 2014 at 10:36 PM

Hi, We're a fairly new site that's up and running and pretty well with the basics, and we really like it. Now, I'm looking at some of your sites for ideas.

I set up galleries for things like "Photos from years past," "Past Reunions," our 50th reunion (held last August) and others.

We have at least a dozen classroom pictures (teacher + the kids that were in that room). I put them too into the galleries, not knowing that there might be a better way. Now, we want to try to identify all those in the classroom pix, but in galleries the pictures are quite small, even when you click on them.

A few days ago as I was exploring other sites, I stumbled upon one that I believe was in NC, but unfortunately I didn't write down the school name or location. But they had their classroom pictures displayed not in galleries, but somehow just on a site page, and the pictures displayed on the screen about at life-size (roughly 5x7 inches).

I looked in the help forums and also in the tutorial videos on the site, trying to find instructions on how we could achieve a similar display--all to no avail.

Can anyone give me some pointers as to how to do it?

Also, do you all use the galleries feature to display your photos, or do it somehow else?

I'm fairly computer savvy, but don't know a lot about photos. I use Picasa to edit photos on my own computer before uploading them to the website.

Many thanks! Patty Holler, Newport, OR Class of 1963.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 12:48 AM - Response #1

I can't see your galleries so don't know if you uploaded them too small or added comments or proportions that made them smaller? I can tell instantly if you open one of them you want larger up for a second or CC can look.

The maximum gallery image width is 1000 - that's normally good for most photos. However, galleries autosize, meaning if you add comments on the bottom or if image is much taller than wide it can reduce the displayed width. Depends on your screen resolution too. Meaning what you see and what your classmates see may not be the same.

Generally images are no wider than 685 using CC editor image tools. That's because going wider "blows out" the pages. So galleries give you a wider image using standard CC tools.

By going outside CC it's possible to do a lot more - but not simple. Let's see what your images are now to see if what is there now will work for you with some tinkering.

Here's a generic html reference LINK for how to get images to display using the "Source" mode in the editor. You key in what you want and can manually set whatever width you want.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 1:05 AM - Response #2

Since I wrote the first inquiry, I created a new page called "Grade School Classes." Then, by using the "source" button on the edit page (similar to what I used when I set up our In Memory pages to add pix to the individual deceased classmate pages). I thought I had it made when the 2 classroom pix turned up about life sized on my screen. Then I went back to the gallery where I had previously pasted the classroom pix and copied the captions for the two pictures and pasted them into the new page beneath the pix.

Then I went out of the edit site pages mode and clicked on the Grade School Classes heading, I expected to see my 2 pix and their captions displayed. But instead, I get a white screen and message "Sorry, this cannot be activated until it has at least one gallery inside it."

Obviously, I didn't do it right, though it sure appeared just as I wanted it for a brief time when I was still in the Edit Site Pages mode.

I'm too tired to work on it any more this evening, so will tackle it again tomorrow!

Thanks for your response. Patty

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 4:05 PM - Response #3

I also have several of those classroom pictures. I posted them by creating a new page and added the photos there. I didn't do the gallery because of their size. Take a look at mine. I have unlocked it temporarily. Click on Class Scrapbook and then 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th classes.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 6:05 PM - Response #4

Patty, It sounds like you were headed in the right direction until you did the copy/paste from the galery. Using the image button to add photos is what we did for one of our large picture pages. But it sounds like the copy/paste from the Gallery brought along some gallery code along with the caption.
I think that should be easy to see and fix using the Source button, but if you're not comfortable with source statements, you can either enter the caption manually or copy/paste it from the Gallery into a text-only document processor like Notepad, remove anthing that's not the original caption wording, and then copy/paste that into the picture page.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 10:02 PM - Response #5

Doreene, Thank you so much! I love your drifting snowflakes!!

Your classroom pictures are exactly what I had in mind. Before I just found your reply, I believe I figured it out. (You can see the two I uploaded as a test on our site if you want to look.)

I'm glad to see that you have quite a lot of pictures on that same page. I was wondering whether I should try to fit all of ours on one page, or make a separate page for each grade.

1963 was a great year, huh? Smile Patty

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 10:17 PM - Response #6

Jack, thank you for explaining how the galleries and captions work. I can see that is true, so trying to put large captions beneath group pix in the galleries just makes the size issue worse. I will move our classroom pix out of our 50s decade pictures from the past, and into a page without galleries.

Wish I'd known about this sooner so I could have done it right to begin with, but that's how we learn.

I think I've got it figured out now. You should be able to see the two that I uploaded as test pix now. There's a lot to learn about all of this, and I appreciate everyone's helpful responses. Maybe someday I'll be able to help someone else.

John, thank you for the explanation about copy/paste. I remember reading about it before somewhere in the forums, but at the time it didn't seem relevant to what I was doing. More learning!


Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 11:52 PM - Response #7

Here are some ideas where you can have your cake and eat it too. It just takes a different approach by customizing CC features beyond the defaults.

The easiest way to get a larger image is to put a width="710px" after your image src="... " (or 700 if you want to keep it a tad undersize). That expands the view from 646 to 710 making the picture easier to see.

The next step is actually not much harder. The main key is to not use the editor 'Image' tool. This tool limits your photo to 646 wide and actually results in a pretty large file size by using it instead of the next method.

The other method is to make the image about 1000 wide and upload directly to the File Vault. Not only will get get a better image but it also takes less space.

The simplest way is to show you what you can do with a sample page. I made this some time ago and added your images. The first example is actually the CC gallery in a way that lets one customize text and still browse. Notice that not only is the default image larger but the 'gallery' view is up to 1000 wide.

Use your own concept of what you like. I just did a basic example to show that the gallery is actually a better way to show large images if you leave the text out. As you can see, it's possible to put the text similar to what you already did and still get the larger image. (The table is optional.)

The AutoZoom example works on IE9 and above and all other browsers. Does not work for IE8. IE8 is no longer a high priority for CC so if something will quit working on IE8, CC probably will not fix. I'm tempted to no longer care worry about IE8 either.Cool

LINK to samples

Edited 01/28/14 11:53 PM
Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 12:32 AM - Response #8

Jack, Thank you once again! I like your samples; will have to ponder the new information you provided, and experiment to see how it works and learn by doing. Which I will do as soon as time permits. Patty

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