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Classmate Has Security Concerns

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/30/10 08:02 PM Views: 1461 Replies: 2
Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 8:02 PM

How would you answer this concern that was raised by a classmate? This seems to come up form time to time.

Based on experience, I would never use an unknown, unsecured website hosting service. Please DON'T put any of my information out there and don't make me an administrator. I have never posted ID info on this site, Classmates, Linked-In or any social site. These are big companies and all have been hacked. You can do what you want, but don't include my information or link me to the site in any way, directly or indirectly, if there is going to be personal ID information collected or displayed. Too much risk & liability.

Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 8:40 PM - Response #1

Brad and/or the CC team will come in and give you the technical responses.

There's no winning this kind of argument with someone who has made up their mind that Class Creator is an "unknown, unsecured website hosting service..." The same person probably avoids Google, Yahoo and Bing because they collect information about all your searches.

I'd respect their wishes not to include "any of my information" (no problem not to make him/her and administrator). If he's not registered, he can't participate in the website, he can't email other members of the class or participate in the forums so he can't spread his opinions to anyone else. Rolling EyesRolling Eyes

Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 9:46 PM - Response #2

I have little to add above and beyond what John said. A million people have joined this system and we haven't been hacked in our history. We've gone to significant lenghts to protect the data here and people's privacy. This system was designed by a team of Internet veterans who've been working together for 15 years and security is our top priority. It may possibly help if this person goes to our FAQs page and clicks the Questions About Privacy heading. We didn't write all that for nothing. Unfortunately when somebody has this mindset (and that's ok, to each their own) the best solution is probably to have Al Gore turn off the Internet he invented....if you catch my drift.

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