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Searching the Class Creator Database

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/14/08 10:42 PM Views: 1379 Replies: 3
Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 10:42 PM

Is there any way to search for just a school and find all the classes for that school that have sites?

Edited 09/14/08 10:42 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 10:58 PM - Response #1

Not currently, but let me give you a little tip: Our system feeds class sites directly to Google. So if you want to find all of the classes for your school, let me give you the exact search string that will do it. That string is as follows:

high school Class of, ,

If you replace the variable above with the actual school name, the city, and the state abbreviation, you'll not only find all Class Creator sites for your school, but other classes for your school as well.

So for example if I were looking for all classes from the Marshalltown High School in Marshalltown, Iowa, I would search for exactly this in Google:

Marshalltown High School Class of, Marshalltown, IA

Monday, September 15, 2008 at 3:06 AM - Response #2

Thanks for the tip.

I'll wait a couple more days before trying again though as even the site I created for the class of 1958 wasn't listed yet when I searched with Springfield High School Class of, Springfield, VT.

Monday, September 15, 2008 at 3:15 AM - Response #3

Without a domain name your site may or may not ever get listed. Unfortunatley Class Creator subdirectory sites are often ignored... We can't change what Google does with their algorithms, but if you're going to stay at a subdirectory, I would definitely submit your site directly to Google rather than waiting for them to list it. Click on our FAQS link above, then click Questions About Promoting Your Site, and then read about how to submit your site to the major search engines.

Edited 09/15/08 3:18 AM
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