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start your own high school website

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 10/20/11 06:48 PM Views: 1415 Replies: 8
Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 6:48 PM

Is there a way to get rid of the small :"start your own high school class web site" at the very bottom of our home page? We already have the logo link active so that if somebody clicks on that we get credit for a referral. If they click the small line at the bottom instead, it does not seem to have the referral code. Thanks.

Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 6:53 PM - Response #1

you cannot get rid of it, but if you add a background image, it is less noticeable. For example, if you had something that was black or had some black in it, the black text "start your own high school class web site" wouldn't show up. It would still be there, but not visible.

To add a background, go to the CHANGE COLORS page.

Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Response #2

That worked...thanks!

Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 11:31 PM - Response #3

Kyle Erickson wrote:

you cannot get rid of it,

You can get rid of it. After the window loads you can look for the id='tag_footer' and replace that with anything desired. It has to be done after the page has finished loading.

I was playing with it as a test area in Feb to put up messages saying "Please Register" and "Thanks For Joining" depending on if one was logged in or not (something else that can be done and is useful). Will finish that thought someday. But the basics works now.

If you look at the bottom of our page, it will have the original CC text, then after all the images load, changes to "Please Register" and if one logs in it changes again. Of course what is there can be anything.

Friday, October 21, 2011 at 10:22 AM - Response #4

Hi Chris,

What Jack forgot to mention is that doing what he suggests takes some knowledge of Javascript. If you know how to write code for the web, the range of things you can do with your site is much greater.

Friday, October 21, 2011 at 11:52 AM - Response #5

Well of course. The KEY issue is that is is possible. That was the original question.

It also takes knowledge of HTML to do a lot of things. That's no reason not to mention it.

And that's also why I keep suggesting that this help forum should have a section devoted to more advanced concepts where people can learn to make their sites unique with more than just images and flash objects.

Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 7:05 PM - Response #6

Jack Vermeulen wrote:

Well of course. The KEY issue is that is is possible. That was the original question.

It also takes knowledge of HTML to do a lot of things. That's no reason not to mention it.

And that's also why I keep suggesting that this help forum should have a section devoted to more advanced concepts where people can learn to make their sites unique with more than just images and flash objects.

Hi Jack,

I've been wanting to send a few 'how did you' questions your way. I'd like to invite you to share one or two advanced tips on OUR site TAP (The Administrator's Place) and/or in a Live Chat. Your choice of topics - maybe starting with something simple. Maybe another for more advanced Admins. We could schedule a Live Chat soon, due to the upcoming holidays. Then continue in January. I hope you'll consider it and join us soon on the site! Very Happy

Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 11:38 PM - Response #7

First, thank you for your thoughts.

I like to post solutions to questions that arise or look into the details. Not great at Chats.

The thing I like a lot are postings where I have time to think a bit about it and come up with examples if it warrants. That's why I'd like to see an area here that allows people to delves a bit deeper using resources outside of CC, mainly bypassing the CC editor.

For now I'm working on my political campaign, but after November 8th, I can spend more time again on CC and our class site. Some of the classmates are wondering, not realizing (as most of you know) that to create new content takes a lot of time assembling the resources and (if you have others involved) agreeing on various aspects. And our memory book is still being assembled. After 3.5 GIG of images, I know why I never ended up as an image editorWink

So let's see where I am next month. Wish CC would put out 3.0 since some areas may change. Busy battling my opponents right nowTwisted Evil

Monday, October 24, 2011 at 12:22 AM - Response #8

Sharing a few of the easier different things admins might be able to do on sites may be easier than you think in a chat. After the dust settles, let's talk about it and maybe look at January. Smile

November 8th, Vote Jack V... in WA. Smile

Good Luck!


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