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Any ideas for Polls?

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 12/22/08 11:32 AM Views: 4123 Replies: 13
Monday, December 22, 2008 at 11:32 AM

I'd like to put a poll on my Home page, but a tad hazy about diff. betw. Polls vs. Surveys; and, in any case, can't be creative enuf to think of "what" to poll. Visited many sites and don't see many examples out there. Any ideas would be very welcome! Thanks!

Monday, December 22, 2008 at 12:36 PM - Response #1

We used the polls for finding out which presidential candidate our classmates were choosing and which date worked best for the reunion.

Monday, December 22, 2008 at 4:36 PM - Response #2

We did a poll to find out who they married...

- POLL -

Did you marry?

       Redford 1959 classmate

       Redford 1958 or before classmate

       Redford 1960 or after classmate

       Other than a Redford Classmate

       Never married, still single

Monday, December 22, 2008 at 8:10 PM - Response #3

You're welcome to check out the poll questions and survey that I have on my site at I do monthly Home page poll questions that are just for fun, and the surveys I use to mainly gather information on my class. So, for poll question ideas, see the poll on my Home page; but then go to the Website Stats page, scroll down to where you see Month-End Stats, and you'll see all the previous poll questions we've had so far for each month since April. Then see the Survey page for survey question ideas.

It's been fun coming up with questions and multiple choice answers; and I think my classmates enjoy them, too, as it encourages their participation.

Good luck to you and Merry Christmas ~
Sandie Very Happy

Edited 01/13/09 7:10 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008 at 9:45 PM - Response #4

The poll we are running now is, "What elementary school did you attend"? At our 30th reunion in 2009 we will then take that poll and the classmates and take a picture of those that attended that elementary school. Our end of the county had 7 elementary schools.

One school burnt down when we where in 1st grade on Halloween! Some boys hid in a closet until everyone went home and then burnt the school down.

So those classmates that moved to other schools will have their picture taken with others from other schools that we went to after the fire.

Monday, December 22, 2008 at 10:26 PM - Response #5

Sandie - Love your Bulletin Board! Great job on your site!

Sunday, January 4, 2009 at 8:15 PM - Response #6

Sandie, you have one of the best and most fun class sites I've seen. You're very creative and have lots of ideas ripe for "stealing" -- hope you don't mind and see it as a well-earned compliment! Great job!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 4:53 PM - Response #7

Listen to these kudos, Girlfriend! What have I been telling you? Well done; well deserved credit! Got the pkg., BTW; be in touch soon. Bless you, N

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 7:55 PM - Response #8

Thanks... and I got the magnetic fridge from It's one of their flash toys. Only problem with it is that I used to be able to change the color of it by simply clicking on it from my Home page; but, now when I edit the color it doesn't update it on my page any more. So, whenever I want to change the color of it to give my page a fresh feel, I have to delete it from the page first and then embed a new fridge in a different color back on it.... I know, it can be a lot of monkeying around; but, I've gotten pretty good at it. Wink

And... for those of you who want to steal my ideas, graphics, whatever... have at it. Our sites are not in competition with each other and I take it as a compliment that you even like my site. My philosophy is to keep it constantly updated with links and information that would interest my class and uplift them; so, that our site is a happy escape for them during their visit....

So, thank you for your interest and feedback, and may we continue to inspire each other. Laughing

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 8:11 PM - Response #9

Hey Sandie-Girl! And the Beat goes on ........... just remember, I was one of the first to deduce this inspiring talent and selfless generosity ..You Go Girl!!

(BTW,You won't beeeelieve what happened with the "the Big Bad Etch")

Thanks for being you, Sandie make our days "Smile!", and we appreciate you! Blessings, Dr.N

Monday, August 3, 2009 at 4:12 PM - Response #10

Some of the polls I've used are:

1. What would you take with you in an Air Raid (hey this was 1964)or an evacuation?

2. Favorite teacher poll

3. Subject that was most useful to you in your career.

4. Movie poll (type of movie)

5. Favorite Pet Poll

My class was very small - 61 of us left.


Monday, October 26, 2009 at 2:48 PM - Response #11

This is for Sandie at Bradfor High

Thanks for all the Poll and Survey ideas and I love the way you posted them on their own page for everyone to see what's been done over the year.

I also like your peace sign symbol as your did you do that?

Can you e-mail me personally at:

or tell me where i can find instructions?

Leslie Howerton Jones

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 5:17 PM - Response #12

Thanks for sharing your site and its polls. They're very creative, and have given me lots of ideas.

Dawn Harmon Schaefer

Friday, October 17, 2014 at 8:53 AM - Response #13


Your polls are great, and I've already used some of them. Anyone is welcome to visit our site and check out the polls and other pages.

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