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class connection

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/15/15 06:32 PM Views: 1099 Replies: 3
Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:32 PM

I was browsing through the forum and was reading about Class Connection. So, I activated it in the Preference page and then went to Class Connection and joined. It put my master photo in the heading but I could only change it by changing my actual high school profile. I changed the Preference on our page until I find out how I can either change the picture to my FaceBook avatar or I find out how I remove me from Class Connection? I got a message about unsubscribing and when I went to Class Connection, I found numerous sentences in the right side of the page which are covered up by advertising and games. But there isn't anything I can do to change me even at the My Account link. I know this is insignificant to some, but I don't want anyone using my picture without my prior knowledge and permission.

Glenn Ellen

Edited 01/15/15 6:34 PM
Friday, January 16, 2015 at 6:23 PM - Response #1

Sorry but I don't fully understand.

From your class web site, or from Class Connection, you can click "Edit Profile" then hover over your master photo to change it. That photo is used on both the site and the app -- it's the same thing. You can swap it with any photo of your choice or delete it entirely if you wish.

Let me know if you have any troubles doing that.

Do you know how to take a screen shot image? If so can you send me a screenshot showing the text that's getting covered up by Facebook right side?

Monday, January 19, 2015 at 12:47 AM - Response #2

Hi Brad,
Sorry I did not respond sooner. I guess I really don't have a clear understanding of what Class Connection really does. I think it gives a member the ability to access their class website from the FaceBook Class Connection page. But other than that, I don't understand its total purpose. In checking further into the control of my profile, I see that I have the ability to prevent members of Class Connection to see my profile and also FaceBook friends. So that eliminates some of my apprehension. Would you please point me to the document in the forum that really explains the purpose of Class Connection?

Also with regard to the information that I was unable to read because of the ads, I believe it was in Class Connection. I have not been able to replicate it again. If it does happens again, I will send you a screen shot. I have a great little program called "Duck Capture" that works very well.

Thank you so much for your patience.

Glenn Ellen

Edited 01/19/15 12:48 AM
Monday, January 19, 2015 at 10:10 AM - Response #3

Several Class Connection overview videos are available here:

The purpose of the Class Connection Facebook app is really this simple: It allows classmates to participate with your class from Facebook, never having to log into your class web site. All of the same thins you can do on your site you can do on the Class Connection Facebook app. Notifications go straight to the Facebook globe. It's all seamless.

Probably goes without saying but many people have a daily Facebook habit. It's just part of their lives. Class Connection takes class networking and adds it to their routine daily Facebook habit. Everything happening around your class just becomes part of their daily routine, with all items being available right there through Facebook. Many prefer this vs. having to log into two separate places. And, many don't. Smile

For the people who love Facebook and are on it all the time, the Class Connection app is a great tool.

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