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In Memory and Teachers

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 06/28/17 01:08 PM Views: 1102 Replies: 2
Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 1:08 PM

I would like to add teachers to the site so that I can add them to the In Memory page. I don't want them to show up on the Class Profile list.

I was able to accomplish this with one teacher by adding him as a "Guest" and leaving him "unverified". That worked exactly as I wanted. He didn't show up on the "Guest" list in profiles, but I was able to add him as a "Guest" to the In Memory page.

The problem is that I can't seem to add others the same way. When I add them as "Guest", I don't even get the option to "Verify"; they automatically show up on the Profile list.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 4:39 PM - Response #1

To get to the point where you have the option to verify a member, they have to join - or at least partially join. If you add a teacher as a guest, and partially join (add an email address and password - which will never be used and don't have to be valid) you will then be able to see that you can verify them.

As you noticed, when Admin Verify is turned on, a joined member (or guest) who has not been verified no longer shows up on either the Class Profile or Missing list. And in this case, where you're going to move them to the In Memory page, that's exactly what you want.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 6:05 PM - Response #2

Yep got it. Thanks John.

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