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Email Bounce backs

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/23/10 01:54 PM Views: 1862 Replies: 7
Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 1:54 PM

I sent out an email this morning to all my classmates that had registered themselves on the site and three bounced back and then about ten minutes later I sent out another email to the same group, everyone that had registered and most of them bounced back. Any ideas why this would happen? I don't really want to resend to everyone again.

Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 2:14 PM - Response #1

Amy Hoffmann wrote:

I sent out an email this morning to all my classmates that had registered themselves on the site and three bounced back and then about ten minutes later I sent out another email to the same group, everyone that had registered and most of them bounced back. Any ideas why this would happen? I don't really want to resend to everyone again.

Welcome Amy!

It could be that all of them that would have bounced back were in the process of bouncing back when you sent the 2nd e-mail.

I have looked at some of the bouncebacks, some are UNKNOWN CUSTOMER, some are UNKNOWN DOMAIN

The UNDOMAIN means that the "" is wrong. for example, Name server reports domain name unknown for classmate C. T. Roberts is because "" isn't correct, it is probably ""

Another one with "" is probably "" (o instead of i)

another one "" should probably be swinford1 since that is his last name. should probably be, but the same e-mail bounced for the husband, so it still might be wrong.

Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 2:16 PM - Response #2

I agree, some of those addresses are just wrong, however I did got the first email myself and did not get the second email and neither did another person who got the first email.
Any way for me to resend it?

Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 2:20 PM - Response #3

Let's wait just a little longer.

Sometimes your e-mail doesn't go out right away. It gets put in the queue and it will go out when it is your turn. There might be another school ahead of you that has 1000 e-mails that it is trying to push through. All of their e-mails need to get sent before the system can start on your e-mails. In fact, there might be several schools ahead of your e-mail.

Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 2:53 PM - Response #4

FYI, on the newer email server we use there is generally no more than a 1 minute delay sending any class wide email. We used to get some bigger backups than we do now. There can be some exceptions to this, such as the New Years Day email that went out to hundreds of thousands of people (that one took several hours), but in general a typical mass email shoudn't be queued for more than a minute or so.

Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 2:58 PM - Response #5

If you or other members of your class are not receiving class mass emails, please read the information here:

There is a solution for email deliverability problems 100% of the time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 11:24 AM - Response #6

It's happening again. I sent a class email this morning and 13 bounced back....most of which were and

Is there a problem, or should I try again?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 12:31 PM - Response #7

Your new bounces have been cleared.

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