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Reunion Confirmations

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/25/08 04:28 PM Views: 1608 Replies: 4
Friday, July 25, 2008 at 4:28 PM

We have decided to go "green" with our reunion and not print tickets to send to folks once they register for the party. there a way for the reunion attendee to print out a confirmation from the site?


Friday, July 25, 2008 at 5:11 PM - Response #1

Confirmation of registration is sent by your web site to the attendee. Payment confirmation is sent to the attendeed from PayPal. Both could be printed from email. There is currently no "electronic ticket" or anything like that at this time.

Friday, July 25, 2008 at 7:32 PM - Response #2

We uploaded our spreadsheet to google docs and then created a worksheet to list tickets. I created a ticket in google docs as well that will be sent to each classmate in PDF format.

We created a unique numbering system with the classmate's name and then made the list in the excel spreadsheet by name and ticket number.

Once the cheque has cleared, we send the classmate their ticket by email. We created the numbering system and PDF version so the ticket could not be copied or the ticket number figured out.

For the small few that don't use email, we mail them their ticket. We did it this way to save postage costs by mailing out a package and then mailing out tix. We've tried to do as much as possible online.

Friday, July 25, 2008 at 8:38 PM - Response #3

I don't mean to sound stupid, but can you explain how to do that? This is something we are very interested in, as well as just trying to come up with a way to export a list of who has said they are coming, versus who has actually paid so that we can send them reminders. But I was also trying to find out an economical way to give them a "ticket" and your method seems like it would be the way to go!

Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 12:02 PM - Response #4

Vicki Terry wrote:

I don't mean to sound stupid, but can you explain how to do that? This is something we are very interested in, as well as just trying to come up with a way to export a list of who has said they are coming, versus who has actually paid so that we can send them reminders. But I was also trying to find out an economical way to give them a "ticket" and your method seems like it would be the way to go!

We created a ticket in word then uploaded to google docs and when a ticket is made, I convert it to PDF at the google docs website and then email to the classmate. Converting to PDF prevents the ticket from being copied. I use the template in google docs, then save a copy and then rename according to last name and ticket number. For example: Jones B125. In the case of same last names, I add the first name: SmithJane B134.

What you do is join google docs If you already have a google account, then just login to the docs portion with your login. If you don't, just create an account.

You can create and/or upload spreadsheets and documents directly inside google docs. I uploaded our spreadsheet and our ticket template and everything is kept all in one place online so it's safe. When someone pays, I create a ticket and save it in a folder within google docs. The purpose of this is to keep it safe because it's on a server, so if my computer crashes, they won't be lost.

I didn't realize that I could export our class list from class creator and I already had an excel spreadsheet. I have one worksheet for missing, another for found, another for entire class and then the final one is Ticket numbers with names. They are each tabbed on the bottom within one spreadsheet.

You can download your spreadsheet from your website to your computer, then upload it to google docs. As people pay or more classmates are added, download the doc from your website to your computer and back up to google docs. When you download from your website, just click on your existing file and it will be replaced with the new information. Same with uploading to google docs. Just click on the file you want to upload to and it will be replaced with the new information.

Anytime I find a classmate, I remove them from the missing worksheet, add them to found and entire class. After making a few changes, I upload that to the google docs site. I do all the changes using the document on my computer and then upload to google docs. I tried doing it within google, but it was a bit slow and I found it easier to do it first using the document on my hard drive rather than downloading back to my computer from google docs after changes have been made. When you upload the new version, it replaces the old version within google docs.

When the person handling the money receives payments by mail, she emails me, I add them to the ticket section with their name and ticket number. Then I create the ticket on google docs. After giving time for cheques to clear, I convert the ticket from word to PDF inside google docs, download it to my computer and email it to the person.

It may sound a bit complicated, but it works for us. The key for us was being able to protect our contact information from computer crash and for myself and the rest of the committee to be able to access the spreadsheet at any time.

You can enable each document to be shared or private. I have shared the documents with the reunion committee, so they are the only ones who can see it.

This is the info in the ticket worksheet. The numbering system is so people can't create their own ticket as we have it numbered (not starting at 1) and then by name. AS people pay, we add their info and upload to google docs. We will also change the numbering at certain points to maybe D175 to start and this will be the master list at the reunion check in table and compared to the ticket when it is presented. If someone forgets their ticket, we can check the list to ensure they paid.

Ticket Number   Name
B125   Sandy Zylstra
B126   Beth Pratt
B127   David Casey
B128   Stacey Gouthreau
B129   Steve Round
B130   Tracey Vincent
B131   Cathy Bates
B132   Karen Kotsibie
B133   Liana Bucar
B134   Tracy Batiuk
B135   Ed Van Wieren
B136   Duncan Lomenda
B137   David Horrick
B138   Lena Ahlstrom
B139   Maureen Brown
B140   Marc Richea
B141   Susan Scharff
B142   Karen Burns
B143   Krystal Dupre
B144   Lany Ellis
B145   Darcie Douglas
B146   Brenda Barge

I see I can attach a file, so I will just attach the ticket template here so others can see it too. You can change it however you want. Remove our logo, add yours, change the ticket numbering, price, etc. Then email to people as their payment is confirmed. Tickets are mailed to those who don't have email, which are only a few. We've tried to do as much of this online as possible.

ETA: My file was too large to be uploaded here, so I removed the logo photo. It was placed on the top left beside the reunion info - date, place time, etc. You can add your logo there.

PS: To see the attachment, click the link at the very top of this post. It is called Ticket_Template1.

Edited 07/26/08 12:10 PM
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