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Privacy concerns--specific problem classmate

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 01/13/12 02:19 AM Views: 1465 Replies: 6
Friday, January 13, 2012 at 2:19 AM

Hi, I have been reading through the posts about privacy settings and what is recommended. I have seen it stated that it is recommended that the main 'Classmate Profiles' link not be password protected so that potential classmates can search. What I am concerned, though, is something that I think might not be too uncommon with larger schools. We have one particular classmate who in previous sites (including our class facebook group) began sending threatening messages to quite a few classmates. He is having mental health and police issues and we need to keep him out and specifically away from any member emails and forums. Any suggestions? What do you recommend as far as system and individual site passwords? Thanks!

Brian Tanning

Friday, January 13, 2012 at 4:21 PM - Response #1

All of the CONTACT INFO for a classmate is hidden from classmates (even if they are logged in). It is considered private and not shown.

If a message is sent to a classmate through the system, the classmate will get an e-mail that they received a communication, but the classmate's e-mail isn't revealed. Instead, the classmate needs to log in to the website to view the message they received. This is another way that the e-mail address is protected.

The SYSTEM PASSWORD is used if you want to allow someone to view your password protected pages, but not be a member of your website. You can choose if the SYSTEM PASSWORD will also let someone view a locked (viewable only to classmates) classmate profile page.

Friday, January 13, 2012 at 5:03 PM - Response #2

My suggestion is ban him from your website(you own the site) and your FB group. You could reinstate him when he gets his mental issues under control. It is your responsibility to keep your classmates from getting threatening emails thru the site. If you have a Reunion committee..breeze it by them and if you don't have a policy..make one..pronto.I have a disclaimer at the bottom of my are welcome to copy and use it if you don't have one.
We had to ban someone from our site because of inappropriate profile entries. It offended quite a few classmates.
I hope this helps!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012 at 6:49 PM - Response #3

I have this posted on our home page:

This site isn’t about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines.
It’s about lifelines.
It’s about reconnecting with our friends from
some of the best years of our lives -
It's about caring for our classmates and their families !

Nothing more,
Nothing less.

My policy – one email warning. Second ‘violation’ and they are gone. NOT going to let one bad apple spoil the bushel!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 11:01 PM - Response #4

1st make the very best of gauntlets for verification purposes.
1) Address
2) Phone contact
3) Class site member they stay in contact with
4) IP address look-up

If they are threatening, immediately report them to the authorities.
Steve Stein...I am going to steal your saying and add it to our site!...Copying is the greatest form of flattery!
- This site isn’t about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines.
It’s about lifelines.
It’s about reconnecting with our friends from
some of the best years of our lives -
It's about caring for our classmates and their families !

Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 11:12 PM - Response #5

Wow. And I thought our problem was unique. We found it necessary to remove the individual from the site, block him from our Facebook page and report some incidents to the proper authorities. I received an e-mail, of course, asking "why", saying I "misunderstood" and asking to be re-instated on the site. I did not respond, just ignored the e-mail. (He apparently retained my personal e-mail address). It was a sad solution but one that was necessary. Under some circumstances I don't feel we have any other alternatives.

Monday, February 20, 2012 at 6:46 AM - Response #6

The nice thing about being an admin on a CC site is, we can edit/delete just about anything someone posts.
As far as Facebook, I am a member of a 'restricted' group for our home town [2256 members to date] and the young man who started the group had to post the following statement:

It has come to my attention that many members are posting politically charged messages and are sometimes making personal attacks on other members. While I am thankful to all the members of the group for joining and making it such a success, the purpose of the group is to remember all the good and positive things related to Freeport and its past. I would appreciate it if you would keep your comments as congruent to that purpose as possible.

While your political/personal views and comments may be relevant to the city, they are being voiced in the wrong forum.

I strive to keep all negativity and negative commments off of the group and from posts. Please know that if any member continues to post in the same manner, I will be forced to delete those posts and maybe even to discontinue memberships to this group. Again, any comments or posts made that keep with the purpose of the group are always welcomed.

Thank you for your understanding,

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