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Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 11:29 PM
This is the first time using this tool.. pretty cool! Few questions: I wasnt able to find a place to indicate a deadline for payments? Is it possible to have the payments sent outside of ClassCreater, manually updating payments received? Also, the price for our reunion is $15 pp or $25 per couple. Its been so long since I have calculated percentages. Can someone help me with this discount rate? I am ashamed to ask! 
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 12:29 AM - Response #1
1. Deadline - search for this section: CANCELLATION DATE If you have a cancellation date, i.e. a time after which Classmates can no longer obtain a refund for their purchase, you should select the first option below and enter your cancellation date. It is also helpful to post your cancellation policy in your general REUNION INFORMATION area at the top of this page. Deadline for cancellation is (mm/dd/yyyy) (displays on purchaser's email receipt) No deadline for cancellation. 2. Not sure what you are asking, but if you receive a check, you go to ATTENDEES page and enter the amount of the check received. 3. It looks like you already figured out the percentage is about 17% ($30 * .83 = $24.90). 100-17=83. 30=15+15 (2 tickets)
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 12:40 AM - Response #2
Thanks! 1. Well, not looking for a cancellation date, but rather a deadline to pay date. 2. Thats exactly what I was asking. 3. So, there is no way to eliminate to round up to eliminate the cents?
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:08 AM - Response #3
1. You can put in your DEADLINE DATE in your comment section of the reunion planner, then after that date, deactivate the online payment system. 3. There is no exact percentage for these two amounts, and there is no way to give a DOLLAR AMOUNT quantity discount What you could do is have two different tickets, one is a two-ticket pack that sells for $25.00. If you did this, and wanted to get a number of people attending through the ticket count, you would need to multiply the number of two-ticket packs by 2 to get an accurate count.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 6:33 PM - Response #4
Thanks! I made all of the necessary changes. However.... I completed my own registration..selection 2 tickets $30 total. When I review the Reunion Planner/Attendees, I see that 3 people have registered, including myself. I expected to see my amount owed as $30, but it is $0? What has happened?
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:45 PM - Response #5
Cheryl, You have selected items for purchased, but didn't check out. Click the CONTINUE button at the bottom of your 35th Reunion page.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:51 PM - Response #6
Oh gosh, Im sorry! Duh! Thanks!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:18 PM - Response #7
Kyle, I stepped this thru again. I'd like to clarify these steps. So, the options displayed during this step are: Submit reservation (pay later) or Check Out Now. If I wanted to Register and Pay now, I should have selected only Check Out Now? If I wanted to Register and Pay later, I should have selected Submit reservation (pay later) AND Check Out Now? When I clicked the Register and Pay Later, it returned a message indicating that my items have been saved. It made me believe that I was done, that my registration was registered and when I wanted to pay, I could do that at a later date. Hope that makes sense?
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:20 PM - Response #8
I just sent out my communication, and it appears that others may be understanding it the same as I am. I needed to get an idea of how many people were going to be attending and Im not getting that yet...
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:22 PM - Response #9
It looks like Richard and Sandra did the same thing you did. The ATTENDEES/Invoiced Amount is zero. The "shopping cart" is just sitting around (saved) until you click the CONTINUE button and decide how to pay for the things you want to buy. There is an enhancement request to make this more clear - say something like "Your registration isn't complete until you send in your check"
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Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:27 PM - Response #10
Ok..I just had another DUH moment! I was starting to panic I just found the BETA Reports, which provide EVERYTHING I am looking for! Thanks!