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Nametags-Colors and template

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/20/22 01:20 PM Views: 3251 Replies: 3
Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 1:20 PM

I am having two problems printing out my nametags. First the pdf is not printing properly on 45395. Also the only colors I can select are those is the square color box. I cannot use the color scroll bar next to the color box.

Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 3:01 PM - Response #1

Hi Cindy,

Do you have the 45395 labels selected under Choose Avery Format? I'm also seeing issues with the selector. I will let the programmers know.

If you want total control over the name tags you might want to consider using Microsoft Word as they have almost every Avery tag number in their system and they allow you to completely control the layout. You can download the data at the bottom of the nametag page and any yearbook photos under Manage Classmates > Download photos > Yearbook photos.

If you have Microsoft Word you can mail merge that data into address labels.

If you are using Google Docs there is a video for that as well

Class Creator Support

Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 4:28 PM - Response #2

I am using 45395. That is a lot of rigmarole to go through know for the name tags.

Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 5:01 PM - Response #3

Hi Cindy,
For future reference - There is a website called "ConferenceBadge" that can be used to produce REALLY nice name tags. The user has complete control over the process and they give discounts equal to the reunion year (30th reunion gets 30% off). It is more work that CC badges but the quality is outstanding.

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