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Photo Gallery Resizing

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/07/14 04:43 AM Views: 756 Replies: 2
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 4:43 AM

Hello -
Trying it this evening, I noticed that the Photo Gallery appears to compress JPGs that are uploaded to it. The problem is, I'd like to use that as a delivery method for pictures we're going to have taken by a photographer. Worst case, we'll end up with 4GB of data (DVD) or 700 MB (CD).

This way, alums could go to a particular gallery and download pics that they want.

Has anyone experimented with something like this?


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 11:56 AM - Response #1

By "compress" do you mean resize? Yes it resizes to 1000 max wide. In terms of actual compression, it didn't used to do much compression at all - don't think it is different now.

If you want to have people download original size images, best way is to store them directly somewhere. You can use the CC File Vault (not the image one, but the one marked "File") for this, but you'd need the expanded membership with the 1GB of vault space. There are also other places that offer large amounts of online space for free (4GB and more) where you can store any size images or files.

Then you'd create a system of links to those images with appropriate small images as the link-to description.

So all depends on how much you want to use the original vs the smaller CC versions in a gallery.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 2:01 PM - Response #2

Hi Jack
I guess the correct word is resize as I think JPG is already compressed to a certain extent. I'll look into SkyDrive or some other technology.

Thanks for your help

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