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Classmate support group

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 10/15/09 06:36 PM Views: 1348 Replies: 2
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 6:36 PM

I have a classmate that is in kidney failure. The classmate is listed at two hospitals and at Duke University. She drives to dialysis 3 times a week by herself. She is proud and will not ask for help. The insurance is covering cost at the moment but will soon drop coverage. I want to use our reunion site to gather classmates together help her, accompany her to long boring days of dialysis, help her with transportation and possibly creating a fund to help cover medical cost in the future. Another thought was to use all of our classmates, (and possibly other CC reunion sites nation wide), to look for a kidney doner.

Has anything like ever been done. Help please.
Classmate Jim

Monday, October 19, 2009 at 9:00 PM - Response #1

When one of our classmates, who was on the reunion committee, was hospitalized I let the class know. When Marie came home and had decided that she would not take further treatment, I let the class know. I told them that Marie was a fighter and planned to make it to the reunion. When she died I let the class know. We had a dedication to her at the reunion.

Keeping people informed is part of your website's job. But you do have to be careful not to overstep your bounds or invade someone's privacy. We currently have a classmate who has cancer. I have not put that on the site because I have not talked to her personally.

Even so, the information I have passed on about classmates, spouses, or children who are dealing with illnesses has been received very well. The people who are ill have been very surprised by the support through emails, cards, and phone calls. That is a powerful message to someone who is sick.

Friday, August 3, 2012 at 4:18 AM - Response #2

Well said, Karen. I've been talking privacy for three years. A few classmates think I'm simply set in my ways. Not so, we do need to consider the one who is ill and their family.

I realize your post is three years old, but it is one that will benefit many new admins. Thanks!

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