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Chat... with a group "11:30 PM"

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/28/10 04:53 PM Views: 1570 Replies: 4
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 4:53 PM

Can anyone tell me why some classmates can not type in the chat box (group chat)... all we see is "11:30 PM"?

Help! I have a a chat going now - the first since the reunion.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 5:20 PM - Response #1

When I logged in as you, it appeared that you got it to work for you. Am I right?


Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 8:36 PM - Response #2

Scott Mastenbrook wrote:

When I logged in as you, it appeared that you got it to work for you. Am I right?


Yes and no. I had two classmates who could not communicate. Everytime they entered something it came up "11:30 PM". Why is that?

I checked their settings and chat was not blocked. I gave them instructions to find the larger private chat window - probably hidden behind other windows. That should be set to stay on top or something. I have so many who can not find it... or do not look. (Ooops, yes I wrote that.)

It has happened before. I'd like to be ready the next time.

Thanks for the reply.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 12:32 AM - Response #3

Well ya stumped me here. I have no idea what the Classmates are doing but I can't duplicate the problem. I first thought maybe they were clicking "Send" without actually typing something, but it turns out you can't do that anyway. If they see this again ask them the EXACT steps they are taking prior to seeing this.

If you're in the Instant Messenger and you then choose to go into the larger private chat window, we already launch that window on top of any other windows. It's just a regular old windows window though, so if somebody then minimizes it or launches a different window to the forefront, they'll need to go back to the window with the chat on their own. Basically they need to understand how to Windows. Just one of many reasons there's Admins. Smile

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 1:26 AM - Response #4

Wow, Stumped the Brad!

I thought the problem was that they were typing in the smaller chat window not the larger private chat. Many do that when the larger one is hidden because they see what I am typing in the larger window. (Is that suppose to happen?)

Will see what I can learn the next time. As it has happened a few times, I am sure it will again.

Thanks for the reply.


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