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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/30/09 06:11 PM Views: 1249 Replies: 2
Monday, March 30, 2009 at 6:11 PM

I just opened up my Edit Site Pages link, and I happened to see a link for a page called User Forums. Did I miss an announcement on a new feature or have I just overlooked this for months? I am guessing that this is the threaded forums that Brad has been talking about, but I would like some guidance...and some info on how to 'run' it on the back-end, if possible. I just want to make sure I know how to use it.

Also, does this feature replace the already existing Message Forum? I am curious as to whether I should de-activate the Message Forum and just use the new feature...


Edited 03/30/09 6:12 PM
Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:13 PM - Response #1

Hi Vicki,

No you haven't overlooked it for months. Smile

These are the new threaded forums. They were rolled out yesterday. A general announcement was posted in the 'New Feature Announcement' forum, but we're going to wait a few days to send out an email announcement.

We knew that once we turned them on, we'd have lots of eyes to look and tell us things that needed to be tweaked. We've addressed the big majority of these.

Here's a link to the announcement.


Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:23 PM - Response #2

Dave Kauffman wrote:

Hi Vicki,

No you haven't overlooked it for months. Smile

These are the new threaded forums. They were rolled out yesterday. A general announcement was posted in the 'New Feature Announcement' forum, but we're going to wait a few days to send out an email announcement.

We knew that once we turned them on, we'd have lots of eyes to look and tell us things that needed to be tweaked. We've addressed the big majority of these.

Here's a link to the announcement.



Thanks...for securing my sanity level. I thought that I'd lost it there for a bit!

I'll be sure to read through the thread you provided, though it looks like A LOT of reading.


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