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classmate profile report

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/17/13 08:56 PM Views: 843 Replies: 1
Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 8:56 PM

When a non-admin looks at Classmate Profiles do they see the box at the top of the page with "profile updated", the number of people attending each event, "in Memory" etc? If they do, can we make it so they don't see that information? Classmates are seeing the number coming to the reunion and assume that is everybody. They don't realize the number is only classmates and doesn't include guests. We keep hearing people say that "so few people are coming".


Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 9:50 AM - Response #1

HINT: When wanting to see what a non-admin sees, go to Manage Classmates, Enter/Edit Classmates, then ADD to add a new classmate. You can add them as a guest or an invisible guest by changing their DETAILS page "Show On Class List:" option to "YES, NO, SHOW AS A GUEST". and then log in as that new classmate.

You can remove the information about who is coming by going to Reunion Planner, EDIT, then for each event, SHOW MORE, then deactivate the "    On your Classmate Profiles page, display the total number of classmates who have indicated they are attending. If you have the box above checked, it will include all those who have answered Yes, even if they have not officially registered yet." option.

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