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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/03/13 02:53 AM Views: 1315 Replies: 12
Monday, June 3, 2013 at 2:53 AM

How many people do you have helping you maintain your site and how to you organize the work if you do have help?

Monday, June 3, 2013 at 8:28 AM - Response #1

I do the bulk of the work, but I do have two co-administrators who help with finding missing classmates.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 2:32 PM - Response #2

Ours was a relatively small class and do it by myself. Of course I have input from other classmates from time to time.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 2:58 PM - Response #3

There are three of us ... Me, Myself and I. I have found a staff of three works best especially when "Me" and "Myself" vote in opposite directions and "I" have to be the tie breaking vote on critical website decisions. ;o)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 3:04 PM - Response #4

I do most of the day to day activities (keeping up with new classmates, reunion attendees, etc.) I have a co-admin who is the best Visual design person you will ever find. He does a lot of the designs on the site as well as creating new galleries/announcements and keeping the photo galleries maintained and uploaded with new photos as there are added. Every admin should have a person like him. He does pretty much all of our design work that is needed and has a great eye for detail in other areas as well.
We work together well as a team and that is really needed!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 3:06 PM - Response #5

On the two websites I manage I have someone posting the obits at In Memory page. I have someone send out personal Birthday wishes to class members when they get a notice. Each class usually has someone searching for class members. I'm the one that monitors the added pictures to scrapbooks and add all content as I see needed. Always trying to get people to log on. Don't send to many emails unless it's a death notice or working on reunion details. We have one group that have a quarterly gathering of girlfriends lunch, so an email is sent to Kansas Girlfriends only.
I usually take one day to work on the websites and always checking Forums for any new ideas and clip art to create activity and to get class members to update their profiles and Notify Me list.
Hope that helps. kk

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 4:34 PM - Response #6

Wish I did have some help. It's just me.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 6:58 PM - Response #7

Just me, but after 3-1/2 years I will be asking for some help. Our class is quite small, so the chore is more finding things to keep the web site interesting.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 12:40 AM - Response #8

For about 95 percent of operating our site, I do everything. The other the women who are admins were added by their requests. When I asked them if they wanted any specific duties or responsibilities, one said she would help with any questions or research concerning our class, including verifying addresses, email info and identities of any classmates, like if I find it necessary to double check and confirm someone is a valid member of our graduating class. We have had a few people who tried to join our site but turn out to be "bogus".
The other woman only wants to be in charge of the financial renewal details for our site.
The reason why is that they have said, "it's your baby! We trust you and you've proven you do a great job. So we want you to run it for as long as possible. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about class related matters and when it comes to paying for the site, we will take car of everything."

I have posted an ongoing notice on our site though that if anyone wants to help out with website and / or reunion matters, please let me know.

Edited 06/05/13 12:48 AM
Monday, June 10, 2013 at 10:33 PM - Response #9

Thanks for the feedback everyone! It sounds like most of are in the same boat - Me, Myself & I, Inc.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 2:20 AM - Response #10

Thanks to all of you, we have our TAP Tip of the Week - this entire thread!

Everyone who replied to this thread is a member of TAP except for Steve. Steve, feel free to join us on TAP. Smile

As a member of Me, Myself & I, Inc., I say "Well done!"

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 10:45 AM - Response #11

Yes, thank you all for replying in this thread! I visited each admins site on this thread and found your sites are some of the "BEST on CC"! In fact, I added each to my favorites list so that when I find time to update my sites, I can easily refer to all of them to duplicate some of the interactive things... like pictures of classmates Birthday of the Month, the scrolling missing list, etc.

So the Me, Myself and I staffing serves well! Maybe someday we can get Steve Stephenson and his visual design person Bill Hube to join us on TAP for additional tips on graphic design. And F. C. Bock is always amazing me with his site and input here in the CC Forums. Along with Joe Prather, CAV, Camille Norton, Vicki, Richard & Gary... wonderful sites! Thank you, all of you!

Edited 06/11/13 10:47 AM
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 12:13 PM - Response #12

As usual, I was working on TAP into the wee hours. Like Marla, I wanted to return to your sites today. My quick save was to make each a pin tab. Good idea but did I think that returning to this thread was the fastest way to find your sites? I was yawning. What do you think? Wink

While working on the site last night, I had a good laugh at myself. I share this and hope some enjoy the laugh with me. Smile

When I add a Tip of the Week, I copy the answer first into the TAP Forums where I want to have a thread of TAP Tips of the Week. Then I copy that onto the home page. Anyone have a clue what I did? I copied almost every answer into the TAP Forums thread until I realized "This is TOO much, Gwen!" I shook my head, realized how much time I had spent and could add a link, which I see I did not do but gave the path instead. Yes, I laughed at myself. Should you ever do something similar, feel free to say (or think) 'I did a Gwen! Ugh!' I'm all for sharing the laughs and lightening the day.

Though there may be too much content to add to a forum post when one can simply visit this thread, there is never too much info from all of yoU! As I wrote in our TAP email, "TAP Members Rock the Tip of the Week"! Well done!

Edited 06/11/13 12:21 PM
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