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File Vault

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 09/20/11 04:26 PM Views: 2151 Replies: 12
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 4:26 PM

My file vault said I was over the limit so I deleted some pictures from one page and the amount never changed.............
what do I need to delete?

Thanks for your help

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 4:41 PM - Response #1


You have over 650 photos in the photo gallery. The photo gallery images will eat up the File Vault storage space. The Photo Gallery images cannot be seen when you view the File Vault because they are managed through the Photo Gallery link.

Just deleting the images from one page (assuming you just deleted the image from the content editor) doesn't delete the images from the File Vault. You need to delete the image from the File Vault or it will still be in the file vault. Go to any Content Editor window, then click on the IMAGE icon. You should then see the list of images saved on your website (does not show the Photo Gallery images). You can delete the images you are no longer needing.

Another option is the PLATINUM membership - it will give you 1GB (1000 MB = 5 times your current storage of 200MB). On the SUBSCRIPTION page, you can see the upgrade price. If you are interested in other possibilities besides paying cash for the PLATINUM service, we can take your 1623 days and subtract days from your current Premium (price per day of a PREMIUM-5 year plan) until it equals the cost of upgrading your remaining days to PLATINUM at the number of days "5-year Platinum" level.

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 1:49 PM - Response #2

Kyle Erickson wrote:


The photo gallery images will eat up the File Vault storage space. The Photo Gallery images cannot be seen when you view the File Vault because they are managed through the Photo Gallery link.

Just deleting the images from one page (assuming you just deleted the image from the content editor) doesn't delete the images from the File Vault. You need to delete the image from the File Vault or it will still be in the file vault. Go to any Content Editor window, then click on the IMAGE icon. You should then see the list of images saved on your website (does not show the Photo Gallery images). You can delete the images you are no longer needing.

So you're saying:
1. You can delete the photos in the Photo Gallery but they won't delete from the File Vault.
2. You can't see the photos in the Photo Gallery from the File Vault so there is no way to delete the "deleted" photos.
3. The only alternative is to BUY MORE SPACE from you or be satisfied with the 200 MB of space even though a bunch of it is taken up by photos nobody can see.

Did I miss something?

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 2:12 PM - Response #3

If you delete the image from the gallery, it deletes it from the File Vault (if it doesn't, there is a bug). The Gallery manages the File Vault, so you cannot delete images that are stored in the File Vault manually if they were put there by the Gallery Creator. HOWEVER, you can now SEE the images put there by the Gallery Creator. Go to Edit Site Pages, Edit Home Page, Click the IMAGE button, then click the FILE VAULT. At the top of the File Vault for Images, there is a link called "Gallery Photos". Click that link and you will see all of your galleries. Click those links to see the photos.

If you want to test this, upload a deletable image to the Gallery. Notice it is found on the "Images File Vault - Gallery Photos" link. Then return to the Gallery Creator and delete the image from the gallery. When you return back to the "Images File Vault - Gallery Photos" link, the image should be gone and the file space returned.

The only way that photos get in the file vault and then get orphaned so nobody can see is if you uploaded the images through the Edit Site Pages, Edit Home Page (or any other page), IMAGE (or insert LINK), then BROWSE button, then UPLOAD. If you then later delete the image in the HTML content editor, it doesn't automatically delete it from the file vault. Same thing with PDF (and other file types) files uploaded through the LINK button, then BROWSE, then UPLOAD.

The showing of the "Gallery Photos" in the File Vault is a somewhat recent change (the above message says "You Can't see the photos", but you can see them now. You can use that link to insert an image that is already in your Gallery Creator photos into your HTML content, but if you delete that image from the Gallery Creator, the image in the HTML content will also disappear because the File Vault doesn't keep track of how many references there are to an image and the Gallery Creator manages the images, so when it is deleted from the Gallery Creator, it is really deleted from the system and the HTML image will reference a file that doesn't exist any more.

The reason that the File Vault needs to be cleaned up manually is that you can link to an image in your file vault on multiple pages. The File Vault doesn't keep track of how many links there are to that image. Only when you are sure you are completely through with using that image (or PDF or MSWord Doc) should you delete it from the File Vault.

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 2:46 PM - Response #4

Ahhh. OK. I see that the 28 MB of photos are gone from the File Vault. So how does 204 MB get to 227 MB when I delete 28 MB of photos?

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 2:48 PM - Response #5

By the way, I just deleted a couple more photos and the total reduced appropriately. Could there have been a timing issue between the 204 MB yesterday and the 225 (now) today?

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 3:21 PM - Response #6

I don't know for sure, but maybe as soon as the File Vault size dropped below the maximum, someone else uploaded a bunch of photos.

When I looked right now, it says "Currently storing 182.87 MB of available 200 MB (at 91.44% capacity)"

Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 3:42 PM - Response #7

Yep. I just deleted two galleries. Now it all seems to be working just as you describe. I've uploaded some reduced footprint photos back.

Thanks for your help.

Monday, January 14, 2013 at 10:58 AM - Response #8
Vault Images.jpg

When I open the File Vault, I don't see the link to "Gallery Photos". Do I need to set up the Gallery Photos folder?

The problem I am having is that I created a new folder in the Vault and when I upload a photo directly into it, it looks like it is processing, but never finishes. I close the screen and when I open the folder, the file name is there but no image. When I try to delete the file, I can't.
If I do the same thing in the main Vault folder it works perfectly.
I use the Vault, as I described it, when I am using photos to insert into webpages.

The Gallery option won't work the way I need it to for uploading photos to be used in custom webpages. There is no file name reference. See my Then & Now custom page (not active)

Edited 01/14/13 1:26 PM
Monday, January 14, 2013 at 11:08 AM - Response #9


You don't have any photo galleries set up. Click on Gallery Creator to create your first one.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 5:02 PM - Response #10

Once I make a photo gallery album, can I delete the photos in the vault?

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 5:13 PM - Response #11

No, that's where the Galleries get the info.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:45 PM - Response #12

Photos in galleries can only be accessed via the Gallery link not the file vault. A long time ago, you could see them in the file vault too.

So if you have a photo gallery and you uploaded the same images to the file vault, you can delete the file vault images.

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