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Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 7:59 PM
To keep up interest in the site and generate some interaction. Has anyone done this? What questions did you ask? I thought of: How many times have you been married? How many kids do you have? Do you have grandchildren? Did you go to college? Do you think the Bflo Bills will win the Super Bowl in our lifetime? Would you change anything about your HS years: - Attend more - Study harder - Party more - Join more clubs And that' all I got. Thanks, Ann
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Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 9:27 PM - Response #1
Tried to delete and start over but it didn't work. So, ignore this message. Carole
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Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 9:31 PM - Response #2
GO BILLS! Of course they're going to win in our lifetime...but we may have to live for a very, very long time!
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Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 9:42 PM - Response #3
I'm hoping to post something new each week. Sofar, I have used the following: Nominate Best High School Teacher and Why Nominate Worst High School Teacher and Why Favorite Games at Recess Remember Old Radio? White Castle (Hamburgers) Anyone? I listed my memories, or nominations, of the above and asked my classmates for input. The final 2 surveys have just begun so I'm not sure how well they'll do. The recess games was up for 2 weeks, and no one responded so I took it off. I did get several nominations for best teacher but not too many for worst, which surprised me. Of course, you have to be old like me to have Old Radio memories. Carole
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Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 10:58 PM - Response #4
There are a couple of sites who allowed us to see some questions they wrote. I can't remember which schools, but did print out a copy of over 100 questions. I used about 25. Examples to get you started: (abbreviated - make up your own question from these) Countries you have visited How far away from home have you gone? Favorite: drinks, sports, food, movies, music. Nicknames: in High School, any now? Any vices? Travel musch? Any gray hair yet? Favorite memory of HS. Least favorite memory? Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to HS. Email me under regular email for others. Lara
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Monday, March 30, 2009 at 8:13 AM - Response #5
Google " Random Surveys" and you will get a boatload of suggestions. Many are used on Myspace so you can google that too. Good luck and have fun!
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Monday, March 30, 2009 at 4:07 PM - Response #6
We made a Mock Election. Here are the questions we used (Class of 1993): 1) Classmate with the best profile picture taken in our ‘high school’ years. 2) Classmate that has changed the most since high school. 3) Classmate that has changed the least since high school. 4) Classmate with the best hair in 1993. 5) Classmate with the best hair in 2008. 6) Classmate with the most exciting / interesting job. 7) Classmate with the funniest profile on the website. 8 ) Most eligible bachelor on the website. 9) Most eligible bachelorette on the website. 10) Classmate most likely to get wild at the reunion. 11) Classmate most excited to see join the website that currently isn’t there. 12) Classmate with the best ‘Mini-Me’ (child that looks like them). 13) Most frequent flyer (travels to most interesting places). 14) Classmate whose lifestyle now most fits high school “persona”. 15) Classmate whose lifestyle now least fits high school “persona”. 16) Most inspirational classmate.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 3:42 PM - Response #7
I'm in the process of creating a short survey. It will be activated before we sent out our reunion invites so that people can see it and do it if they'd like. My survey is multiple choice. Here are the questions: 1. Favorite movie from 1994? 2. Favorite TV show from the early 90's? 3. Favorite popular musician from 1994? 4. Favorite song from the early 90's? 5. Favorite administrator at GHS? 6. Favorite sport to watch in high school? 7. Favorite class in school? 8. Most memorable dance in school? 9. Favorite part from Homecoming Spirit week? I'm still trying to come up with #10. Every questions has 6 possible answers. A couple of them have None of the above as a final choice. But most of them have the wording "which of the following" in the question. We wanted to stay away from any questions about people's names because we don't want anyone to feel left out. There are still some people who are bitter about school and how they were treated. We don't want to give more reason for people to feel not included.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 10:55 PM - Response #8
Question - If a classmate start on a survey but don't complete all the questions at that time, can they go back later and complete or the other questions? Or edit their previous answers? HELP
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Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 12:10 AM - Response #9
Yes, providing they actually submit the survey first. If they fill out only part of the survey, never submit it, leave the page and then return at a later date, they would have to start over.