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Enhancements in Progress

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 04/19/11 01:09 PM Views: 1328 Replies: 4
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 1:09 PM

Is there a single place where we can view a list of (preferably all) APPROVED enhancements with a BRIEF description that includes the ANTICIPATED release date.

If it is there, I havnt found it. If it is NOT there, shouldn't it. I think if you had this list and we could have ONE place to go to see WHAT and WHEN to expect changes it would reduce a lot of the questions being asked. As it is, we have to sift through a lot of threads to find stuff.

Bradley - what do you think?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 3:22 PM - Response #1

We post new items as they are available in the New Feature Annoucements area. Although we sometimes discuss items that are upcoming and under development it is not always possible to pinpoint a release date as some items tie directly into other items and must be launched together. Some items require beta testing and feedback while other items can be completed quickly and launched.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 3:53 PM - Response #2

And if you posted a list of enhancements with their SCHEDULED release dates (with the understanding that these dates will change depending on how testing goes etc) It would enable us to make plans and react accordingly. And I believe having all pending releases on ONE LIST would cut down on repetitive questions.

For the record the SCHEDULED date does not need to be a precise date - knowing that enhancement XYZ is in the works with an estimated release of 3rd QTR 2015 would give us enough to know its coming and approx when.

I know how it works, was simply offering a suggestion for how it could be BETTER.

Edited 04/19/11 3:56 PM
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 3:18 PM - Response #3

My agruement above is still relevant - especially now that the NEW FEATURE ANNOUNCEMENTS area appears to have disappeared.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 3:40 PM - Response #4


I don't know why the "New Feature Announcements" was deactivated, but it will probably come back when there are new features to announce. I checked and the forum is still there, just deactivated.

Checking with Brad to see why it was deactivated.

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