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login box message

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 12/19/08 03:27 PM Views: 1336 Replies: 1
Friday, December 19, 2008 at 3:27 PM

I see now a message under the login fields:

To join this web site,
go to Classmate Profiles
and click on your name.

Is there a way to NOT show this?

I made the CLASSMATE PROFILES page password-protected because I could not rely on my classmates to secure/checkmark their PROFILE VISIBILITY and CONTACT DETAILS.

Instead, I put instructions for new members to click on the MISSING CLASSMATES link, which is open to the public, since those have no data.

If removing that message is not possible, is there a way to default the checkmarks on profile visibility and contact details?

Thank you!

Friday, December 19, 2008 at 4:51 PM - Response #1

It's a default part of the system, but can't you just check it for Classmates when you see them sign up? 45% of people choose not to secure their Profiles, but there's nothing to stop you from mandating it and doing it for them. Or you could also just use the new Preferences area to require new Classmate authentication. That way nobody can see the new Classmate's Profile at all (other than Admins) until you've verified the Classmate, at which time you could also secure their Profile on their behalf if you want to.

Unfortunately even the smallest changes will have to wait until after the first of the year now, as all the staff and programmers are pretty much gone for Xmas break now.

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