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Classmate needs to access two sites

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/30/13 07:22 AM Views: 711 Replies: 1
Saturday, March 30, 2013 at 7:22 AM

I have a classmate who was part of our class but graduated early with the class just ahead of us that also has a cc site.

Should this classmate create a second profile on my class site or is there a way the permit the use of the existing profile on both sites?

message from classmate:
I may have a"problem" because I graduated with the class of 72 and had a login for that. now when I try and use it for our site (73) I can't get in.

Saturday, March 30, 2013 at 2:46 PM - Response #1

In order to log onto your site the classmate must be a member of your site too. If they wanted to keep just a minimal profile on one site they could link to a more detailed one on the other. As an example you can see what I do by going to my profile on the SHS Class of '57 site here:

I forgot to mention that the profile to which you link must be open to the public for this to work.

Edited 03/30/13 10:27 PM
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