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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 11:25 AM
Brad, I have to class web sites, and another one I just started, we haven't gotten a domain for that one yet. Anyways, last night and today It has been very difficult to even get into my site It's gets me as far as the background when I first get into it and then sits there for ever. Sometimes not going any further at all or taking 15 min or more to get to the main page. I have not had any problems with this situation until last night. Sometimes it would be slow, but nothing like this. Can you help? 
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 1:10 PM - Response #1
Log out of your web site. Then go to your home page. See how it loads instantly? Now log back into your web site. Load your home page again. See how it now takes forever and a day? What you're doing is displaying all kinds of third party content only to logged in viewers. Which means one of these two things is happening: 1) One or more of your third party content providers is having load issues. 2) You have so many things on the page it takes forever to load. I can see in the status bar how many things are trying to load in. It looks particularly like content is taking forever. What I strongly recommend is taking at least half of your third party content on your home page and placing it on other pages. Unfortunately I suspect #2 above is the culprit. You're loading way, way too much on one page.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 6:04 PM - Response #2
O.K. thank you Brad. Sometimes I do go overboard! I'll go through and take some stuff off and see if that works.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 7:23 PM - Response #3
Brad, I took a bunch of stuff off of my home page, and took it down to maybe half of what was there. I had to do the changes in Firefox, because I couldn't get in and out of my site in IE. I can get into my site fine through Firefox but the right hand side of the page looks cut off. I am still having big problems getting into my page in IE, even after taking a bunch of stuff off. 
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 8:49 PM - Response #4
After taking everything off and re-loading everything back on, one by one, I finally found it and wouldn't you was one of the last items on my announcemnet page, it was my site counter. I started with de-activating my my announcements all together, to see atleast what section it was in. Wow, big job...but it's fixed. Thank you for your help!
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Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 5:30 PM - Response #5
I am also have problems with pages loading (from several locations), and have had emails from classmates regarding this issue also. I can see the different contents on a page causing a page to load slower, but when I even go to the Edit Site Pages (which is a system page), my browser may not load the page and then I have to stop the loading and reload the page many times before it does, or it doesn't load. I even disabled all my security on my personal PC but got the same result, and have similar results on a high end workstation at my company. I'm just wondering if the CC backup routine is interfering with the loading of pages.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 5:54 PM - Response #6
I'm going to take a wild guess on this one. Sometimes even we don't know. Maybe the last time you saved "Your Content" for whatever reason the full content didn't save. I went into your page, deactivated Your Content, Reactivated it, pressed the Save button again, and voila it all seems to work fine now.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 6:33 PM - Response #7
"I'm going to take a wild guess on this one. Sometimes even we don't know." Glad to know it may not be me. "Maybe the last time you saved "Your Content" for whatever reason the full content didn't save." This could be true but when going to save the content and it locks up, the only thing to do is stop the page loading and hit save again. But then the full contents seem to be saved since the contents appear on the page. "I went into your page, deactivated Your Content, Reactivated it, pressed the Save button again, and voila it all seems to work fine now." How does one know when a page is not saved correctly? I've had this issue for a month now and has happened on most pages, even selecting Managing Classmates link, admin links or pages I've created. This is a random issue to where I wonder if one saves at the same time that a backup is being done, that the loading of a page process is stopped. Don't get me wrong, I can live with stopping and reloading pages. And I will send an email to classmates and inform them to do the same if a page does not load. Thanks for the quick reply, and to know I'm not the only one experiencing loading issues.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 7:16 PM - Response #8
Is someone else experiencing this problem? If so I haven't heard of it. No this would not be related to a page backup being made. That would all be instant and happens at the server level. My best guess is you saved the page, your Internet connection and/or computer router, etc. blipped out for just a moment, causing an incomplete save. I'm totally guessing though, I have no evidence at all of this. All I know is simply resaving your page fixed the problem, and like I mentioned, I'm not aware of this issue happening to anyone else so I can only chalk it up to a strange fluke. Do you have any other pages on your site that are doing the "endless load" thing right now? If so let me know the page names and I'll check it out.