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File Vault

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 06/05/16 11:01 AM Views: 2528 Replies: 6
Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 11:01 AM

Idea It would be nice to have access to File Vault via an Admin menu tab/link. Building pages, galleries, etc. is slow going; to be able to upload/download many images directly to/from File Vault to accommodate multiple image processes would really be a time saver.

Idea It would also be nice to be able to FTP to File Vault, since Admins typically know their website storage limitations and can work accordingly. This too would be a time saver.

I am currently having problems with CKeditor (both old & new versions): it won't let me upload a particular PDF (65.6 Mb), no matter how much I compress it (53.5 Mb) or manipulate it. FTP could possibly fix this.

Edited 06/05/16 11:30 AM
Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 11:46 AM - Response #1

For the old editor, you can go to the file (or image) vault and create a browser bookmark. You had to be logged into your site first for that to work, but it was a quick and handy way to go straight to the vault and upload/download.
Unfortunately, that no longer works with the new editor.

Many of us have asked for FTP access to the vaults over the years, and FTP is actually enabled in the system, but... it's password protected and my guess is that it's password protected farther up in the directory tree, which would allow access to all vaults, so I assume it's only for staff and/or IT use.

Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 11:49 AM - Response #2

Thanks, John. The only problem with a bookmark is that it is exclusive to your browser. An Admin Functions tab would make it accessible to all Admins, including newbies.

Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 11:55 AM - Response #3

I'd vote for that! An Admin Function link to the file vault would also give you access to the image vault.

Monday, June 6, 2016 at 12:51 PM - Response #4

You can ALREADY do multiple files to and from the file vault.

With the new File Vault, you can select all of the images you want to copy, then right-click on the images, click DOWNLOAD and it will allow you to save those images to your local computer.

To UPLOAD, you would open up your File Vault window, open up a File Explorer window to where those files are located on your computer and drag/drop (multiple files if desired at the same time) from the File Explorer window into the File Vault window and the images will be uploaded.

Monday, June 6, 2016 at 2:21 PM - Response #5

Unfortunately that's not how it works yet (but it could very easily. Only works on upload. See my response in other topic or just actually try downloading multiple files from the File Vault Idea

Plus there is a BUG in what file it actually downloads. It's not the one selected but the one the cursor is hovering over.

Kyle Erickson wrote:

You can ALREADY do multiple files to and from the file vault. (Plus there's a BUG in what file it selects to download.)

With the new File Vault, you can select all of the images you want to copy, then right-click on the images, click DOWNLOAD and it will allow you to save those images to your local computer.

To UPLOAD, you would open up your File Vault window, open up a File Explorer window to where those files are located on your computer and drag/drop (multiple files if desired at the same time) from the File Explorer window into the File Vault window and the images will be uploaded.

Edited 06/06/16 2:24 PM
Monday, June 6, 2016 at 3:29 PM - Response #6


You are right. I didn't test it completely and it doesn't work.

Unfortunately, we do not have the source code to CKFinder, so we cannot make any changes. I viewed online and the package required is called "Zip Plugin", which would allow downloading selected files to a .zip file. That "Zip Plugin" is not available for the Cold Fusion (operating system of ClassCreator), so it cannot be implemented. Zip plugin is only available in the PHP version.


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